Back to the real world

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As I open my eyes, I see my mommy staring straight at me

"Why hello my pretty baby, you ready for your first day of preschool?"

My breath catches in my throat as I blush

"Well technically it's still college, but you sure won't be going as a big boy!" She exclaims as she puts her hands down my pants and feels my heavily saturated diaper around my waist

A million different scenarios spin through my head at once as she hops out of bed and picks me up to place me on her hip

"W-what do you mean by that? S-surely I won't be going to classes in...a diaper?"

"Oh such a smart boy! That's exactly what you'll be doing!!" She kisses my face as I hide it in her neck, my head spinning on what this will entail

Mommy got me changed, and changed me into a pastel blue shirt and pink sweat pants, just baggy enough to where you would really have to look to notice the diaper

We eat breakfast and leave the apartment, starting the walk to campus

She makes me hold her hand, which causes me to blush and feel very small, my headspace feeling younger by the second as my gait feels awkward because of the thick diaper, more waddling and less walking

We finally get to campus, and instead of going to her classes, she walks me to my class as I try to ignore the quick looks of the other students as mommy pulls me along

"Alright baby boy, be good for me in your daycare class today, I'll meet you at lunch and I'll make sure to change you, then we can get you a little treat before we have to go to our next classes, sound like a plan sweet pea?"

I look around quickly to see if anyone overheard her, pouting softly as I hear her chuckle
"Y-yes that sounds good amelia"

I turn to go into the classroom as she puts a hand on my wrist and makes me turn around

"Uh uh uh, that's not my name now is it hun?" She says with an air of dominance, tapping her foot expectantly

I know immediately what she wants and, gathering up all my strength, I quietly tell her
"Dat sounds good mommy I hope chu hava good day" in my most babyish voice to satisfy her

With a huge smile on her face, she leans down and kisses my forehead
"Awwww what a good little boy, now go on, be a good boy for me!" She exclaims as she walks off to her first class of the day, leaving me behind in a blushy puddle

The day goes by relatively quick, what they don't tell you is that a diaper really is just a big pillow for your butt, it makes sitting in those uncomfortable seats actually bearable!
What they also don't tell you is that your brain subconsciously finds it easier to go to the bathroom in them when you have one on without thinking about it

So there I was in advanced math, my face looking like I had just ran a marathon, and my diaper now soaked with no one being the wiser

She's gonna be so smug about this ~_~

After class ends, I gather up my shattered pride as a man and dejectedly walk out of the classroom, going to find my mommy

We decided to meet at the nearby Panda Express for lunch, and as I walk up to her, before she even says a word, she sticks her finger in the waistband of my diaper to check me

She smiles widely and looks up at me, aww'ing and cooing at me
"Dwid bayby hava widdle accident? Couldn't howd it lika big boy? Das okay! We can just change chu in da bafroom!"

I gave a nervous chuckle, that is, until she grabbed me by the wrist and started pulling me towards the woman's restroom, and it's then I realized

She's 100 percent serious about that

Why do I ever doubt the master of humiliation???

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