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After I utterly thrash mommy in chess (it's like the one thing I'm better than her at let me have this!), we hear the fated knock on the door, making me freeze up as she walks to the door

I hear her talking to someone outside, so I maturely and elegantly peeked my head up over the couch so I could see what was going on without them seeing me

They start to come back in, and I see him, the horseman of death, my utter demise, the man that I fear the most in this moment: dubby

I see them laughing, and suddenly mommy points over to me as they both look at me, quickly ducking behind the couch cushions like a total ninja pro so they couldn't see me anymore

They both chuckle as I hear them walk over to me, trying to cover myself up until I see them looking down at me

I especially notice one of my good friends looking me up and down while I am in a snap crotch onesie with baby blocks on it, and a diaper clearly visible through it

He snickers a little bit and starts cooing to me "hey wittle guy, I'm gonna be your babysitter while your mommy is doin gwown up things okie?"

I blush hard and look at the ground as he reaches down and starts to tickle me, making me burst out with laughter
"Ahh there's that smile little guy! I knew you couldn't be shy forever!"

I try to escape and wiggle out of his grasp, but after a couple seconds he relents and leaves me as a giggled mess on the couch as him and mommy start talking again

"Alright so just make sure he doesn't get in any trouble, make sure he eats lunch and you can punish him if he acts up" she turns to me and leans down to me "be good for him okie baby? I love you a lot and mama will be back in a little bit" she kisses my cheek and walks out the door, leaving me and dubby alone after he waves her off

I jump off the couch and go hide behind the reclining chair right next to it so I can get away from him...hopefully I escaped....

But he just...walked around to look at me again....can't adults ever take a hint??

" gonna laugh at me weird or somethin...." Tears start forming in my eyes as I look down at the floor

He just shakes his head and kneels down to my level
"No of course not, I wouldn't make fun of you for this hun! I'm much more kinky than you are, trust me, and if this is what makes you happy than I'm more than happy to help you feel like the lil baby girl you are! So no need to worry about me being weirded out or anything!"

I sniffle and give him a little hug, listening to him chuckle and pick me up, placing me on the couch and sitting next to me, turning on some tv while rubbing my back to calm me down

"Hey bun, how bout we watch some TV or play some games until your mommy gets back hmm? That sound like a plan? "

I sniffle a little and nod suddenly feeling a lot better as I lay my head on his shoulder and start to watch game of thrones with him

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