Magic Kingdom

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For probably the first time in my entire life, I woke up before mommy, and like the mature adult I am, I promptly jumped on her and shook her awake so that we can go to the parks faster

She snaps awake and looks at me with daggers, making me freeze like a deer in headlights until she just shakes her head and hugs me to her chest

"Don't scare me like that baby, I thought I was getting attacked! Well I guess I was....but I thought it was by something that could actually hurt me, not a cute little baby!" She boops my nose

"Alright baby, we're going to magic kingdom today!! Let's get dressed and head on the monorail so we can beat some of the lines!"

I nod a bunch as she changes my wet diaper, gets me dressed in Mickey overalls, and combs my thick curly hair, allowing us to head out and wait on the monorail

"I wanna ride seven dwarves and then thunder mountain and space mountain and buzz light year and splash mountain and-"

We step on the monorail as she just chuckles at me "splash mountain isn't up any more baby boy, they're changing it"

My face drops and I stare out of the window as we take off "I wanna go home now"

She just laughs more and hugs me tightly as I sulk "it's gonna be alright my dramatic baby, there's plenty other rides we'll go on!"

I just nod solemnly and lay on her shoulder

Why would they get rid of one of the best rides ever?? Doesn't make sense at all!!!!

I shake off my negativity as we finally get to the park! We go through the security line as they check our bags, looking in my diaper bag much to my embarrassment, not saying anything as he says it's okay to pass, meaning we're officially inside the park

"Awww don't be embarrassed baby boy, Disney has become a lot more little friendly! Now there's a lot of mommys, daddies, and littles around! So you can just be yourself!"

I giggle and jump happily, I haven't been here in so long I guess I just didn't know!

We take a look at the giant Cinderella castle and look in awe, and deciding we have to take a picture, we get the employee to take it as we pose in front of it

We head off to get to seven dwarves mine train, waiting in a long line even though it's sooooooo early, then heading over and doing thunder mountain railway, and then space mountain!

I held on tightly to mommy during space mountain cause I forgot how scary it is! I'm always scared I'm gonna get bonked in the head cause it's so freakin dark!

She just chuckles and rubs my head as checks my diaper

I blush gently as she takes my hand to the family restroom, pulls out the diaper bag, and changes me on the changing table quickly, allowing us to get right back to walking to the new Tron ride!!

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