Animal kingdom part 2

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We waited in the avatar ride line foreeeeeeever

I completely forgot how popular it is

The bird show was pretty cool, we were close to the front so they had a trained bird fly over and stand on the top of my head, so I tried to be suuuuuper still, and when he left, the presentation lady said "he left a stinky surprise on your head!" And everyone laughed

I didn't find it amusing and was consequently trying to find the surprise for the next ten minutes

Afterwards we walked over to our last ride of the day: Avatar

It's just that I remembered that this ride is incredibly popular and everyone always wants to ride it at all times ~_~

We entertain ourselves with the finger stick game (I'm the KING at that game don't TEST me), some of the phone card Disney flip game, and some peekaboo, which is fun, but you can't trick me 10 times in a row! I'm too smart, I catch onto it!!

Fiiiiiinally we get up to the front of the line, get our biometric data scanned, and get on the ride, which is a device like the tron bikes which are in front of a giant screen, with "wind" blasting in your face

It took us through the wonderful world of avatar, where we were riding those banshees and doing tricks all around the world!! It was soooo cool!!

We got off the ride and finally left the park, saluting it as we leave from the monorail and go to our dinner at this Hawaii themed restaurant

Mommy helps me get ready and we head out, and her confirming the reservation at the restaurant allowed us to sit down, which was accompanied by hula dancers, and a whoooole bunch of food

We feasted like absolute kings!! Hawaiian rolls, chicken, rice, beans, mashed potatoes, everything was so good! Even heightened by the fire dancers that mommy was protecting me from even tho I don't think they would have accidentally thrown the fire at us hehe

We left feeling satisfied, ending the day off with some pirate themed mini golf!! I guess Australians don't have mini golf cause she was....not good to say the least

I kinda blew her out of the water lika pirate with a score of 30, against her score of....90

I bragged allllll the way to the hotel as she just tickled me and flicked my head, getting us all snuggled into bed together to await Epcot

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