The end of everything normal

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As I lie there on the changing table, about to be stripped of my last remnants of adult hood, I can only think

"Yup. That's me. You must be wondering how I got in this situation. Well it all started with-"

"Arms up baby boy!"

I snap out of my thoughts and does as she says, raising my arms up as she slips off my shirt, sitting me up, and sliding the onesie down over my head, making sure that she gets it all the way around me, and finally zips up the back, now helplessly trapped in this footed soft prison

"Alright baby, let's get some food in that little tummy of yours!" She says as she tickles my tummy, making it growl and me giggle

She picks me up and puts me on her hip, blushing wildly, feeling extremely small as she carries me to the kitchen where a new pink high chair is waiting for me

"Alright bubba, let's get you nice and strapped in" she says in a sing song voice as she slips me in the high chair, locking the tray down so I can't slip out from under it

"Amelia I-"

"Thats mommy to you little one"

"I-I uhm....m-mommy....I'm not hun-"

She places the paci back in my mouth, keeping her finger on it so I can't spit it out

"Don't even try it little boy, I know you always forget to eat during the day so you come back home and you either forget to eat or you eat a little something, well that changes today!! We're finally gonna get some food in that cute little tummy of yours~"

I hated how she was always right. Sometimes I just would forget to eat, with me being in a rigorous healthcare program, who has time to think about something as silly as food???

Ame- mommy is a fantastic cook, she could easily turn a diner into a 3 star Michelin restaurant, so that's why I'm not objecting and instead suckling on my paci in a high chair watching my new mommy cook for me, because her food is delicious and not any other reason!!!

I notice her moving around with such maturity and elegance, cooking up a storm and making zero mess, the total opposite of me, clad in a footed onesie, a thick diaper, a paci in my mouth, all while strapped helplessly in a high chair....I just softly pouted as I watched her

After about 15 minutes, she finished what she was making and putting it on a plate, and plopping it on my high chair tray, me now recognizing it as a cheese omelet, making my mouth water in excitement

I start to look around as my mommy starts giggling

"What's wrong baby?"

"O-oh I'm just looking for a fork"

She produces a fork in her hand "it's right here silly boy!"

I go to take it from her until she pushes my hand down, and I cock my head to the side in confusion

"Now just what do you think you're doing mister?"

"I-I was just gonna use the fork to eat-"

"Nuh uh cutie, I'm gonna feed you, understand?"

I gently nodded, my blush enough to light up the whole room

She smiled happily "what a good boy!"

She takes the paci out of my mouth, putting it to the side as she starts cutting up my omelette and feeding it to me piece by piece, making cooing sounds to get me to open would be humiliating if it wasn't so freakin good!!

I swing my feet happily making my mommy "aww" and coo at me

"You're such a little cutie! I might have to eat you up after you eat this!!"

I giggle loudly and finish the last few bites as she wipes my mouth with a towel

"Such a messy baby I have! Cmon, let's go on over to the couch and watch something together hmm?" She says rhetorically as she unclamps the tray, picks me up and puts me on her hip, and Carries me over to the living room, my thumb subconsciously going to my mouth

"Hey hey baby, no thumb! We don't know where your little hands have been!" She pulls my thumb out and sticks a paci in

"Before we watch some shows, we're gonna have to go over your rules, okay hun?" She carried me over to the kitchen table and sat down with me now sitting on her leg, bouncing me gently, my diaper crinkling with each bounce

I  gulp as I think about the word "rules" and what those could possibly imply, gulping quickly as I accept my fate...

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