15 | emo4him

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The rest of the week flies by.

School is back to normal. Luke and Ethan both sit outside the choir room with us. I'm ignored for the most part in first hour. second hour is note taking like always.  Emma blabs to Ethan and I about the drama going on with her friend group in third hour.  Ethan offers her simple solutions but she doesn't take it.  In fourth hour, luke continues to sit by me.  We make small talk here and there but nothing too deep.  Throughout the week, he seems to get better.  Fifth hour, study hall, is boring as usual. 

On Friday, I'm shocked to find myself at Raven's.  We all hang out in her room while Chris parties downstairs.   The only thing that is off is that Luke doesn't show.   He insisted that Jillian and Suzanne were not allowed at his house anymore and he refused to be in the same place as them. Until they stop coming, we will be at Raven's.

I filled the rest of the group in on what happened Friday. I of course leave out that we cuddled and that we even kissed, but I talk about how weird and void he was.

Raven suggests we have some sort of intervention. Ethan quickly shuts that down, claiming it would only make him more distant. Raven tells me to press on. I don't tell them about my method.

Then comes Monday.

I put my hair back in to a French braid and I wear Luke's shirt with black jeans. The black jeans on a black shirt is a bit of a stretch for me. I'm dressing like him. Then I put on my black combat boots.

I leave without Devin because they all left for America. I know for a fact he would have made fun of me.

At school, all eyes are on me. I walk past the bandanas and they stare. As I walk up to the group, they stare. I do my best to not look at Luke, but I can feel him staring at me with his arms crossed and him leaning against the wall which a smirk.

Chris and his friends poke some fun at me in first hour, asking if I'm going to kill myself after class.

In fourth hour, I wait with excitement. Luke walks in and he sits down next to me. I stare at my notebook, trying to pretend I don't know he's there. The teacher begins to go through a power point.

I scoot the notebook between us and I begin to write.


Luke picks up the pen with his cheeks flushing.

Hey. Doing anything Thursday?

No. The fam is back home.

My mom wants you to come over for dinner.

...I guess...

What's going on with you?

Well I got this idea.

Uh oh

I don't want to be a "thing" if we can't be fully transparent with each other.


I want us to write letters explaining what we're going through and how we feel and then we'll read it out loud to each other. No secrets kept.

Luke sighs heavily after reading it. Many times he brings his hand to the paper to write, but then backs off immediately.

After class, we walk together to lunch for the first time in forever.  I almost have to run to keep up with his stride. We enter the cafeteria and are the first people to our table.   Neither of us sit, but we rather stand next to each other.  Luke towers over me with his arms crossed.

"Why're you dressed like that?"  Luke mumbles.

I look at my outfit and then I look up blushing.  "Because I thought you'd like it.  Do you?"

Luke lets out a small chuckle.  "It's cute, yeah, but I like you for the way that you are."

Others from the group come and they sit down.  Luke does the same, sitting across the table from me. As I sit down, I find myself blushing uncontrollably. I start to feel all giddy in the inside. 

Shit, what did he just do to me?

Go to chapter 17 Moving Along

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