22 | chris

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I walk into school the next day with heat rising to my cheeks.  I blush at the thought of him now. I think about him last night. The way he looked at me. The way he spoke to me. He actually seemed present.

I decide to skip the group in the morning and i sit in first hour. I figure that I need time to collect myself before seeing him. I don't want it to go to his head.

As I sit, I begin to think about Emma and Chris walking in. I think about Luke and Chris bickering. I think about how the group generally had no problem with Chris.  I know Luke has a sort of history, but I can't imagine the hate came out of a past friendship. There has to be something more. Then Emma, Chris, and the guys do walk in.

"So you're with Hemmings now?" Chris asks over my shoulder.

I turn around sharply. "Kind of."

He nods uncomfortably.

"What's your guys' deal anyway?"

Chris let's out a laugh. "Come over Friday and find out."


"Well are you going to go over?" Luke frowns at lunch.

I shake my head. "No! I'm just..."

He tenses up. "If you want to go be with him, you can you know?"

Before I respond, Luke expresses his need for a cigarette and then he leaves. Such a drama queen. Part of me is tempted to follow after him but the rest of me says to let him walk.

It doesn't take much longer for Raven, Mia, and Nate to join us...or me I guess.

"No Luke?" Mia asks while sitting down.

"I asked Chris earlier this morning what the beef is between him and Luke." I explain in a low tone so he can't hear me. "And he said 'come over Friday and you can find out'. I told Luke and he got all defensive saying I can leave if I want to."

Raven and Nate glare at each other and then back towards me.

Raven looks at the table in a disappointed manner. "Maybe don't come over."

"Yeah don't." Nate adds.

"What happened?" I beg impatiently.

The two look at each other again and then back at me.

"The last two girls Luke dated," Raven explains, "well more so had a thing with, cheated on him with Chris. Emma went between the two a lot. Chris is the furthest from humble about it."

I then realize what he meant by come over and find out. It sends an icky feeling throughout my body. I think about the party. Did he see that I came with Luke? But it wouldn't mean anything. I barely knew Luke at the time.

I stand up and I walk over to the Bandanas table.  People give me a side eye.  Chris and Devin are the only two people directly looking.  I connect eyes with Chris and then he stands up.  Him and I walk out of the cafeteria and into the commons.  In the middle of the row of lockers, I turn around. 

He leans against a locker with a cocky smirk.

I stand up as tall as I can.  "Are you trying to take me from Luke too?"

Chris pops a grape in his mouth.  "Sure, why not?"

My mouth flies open.  I try to scoff, but I don't know what to say.  I was not expecting him to admit it.

He laughs.  "I heard you're a virgin too.  The furthest you've gone is kissing."

"So?" I finally get out. 

"I can help you practice so that you're more confident with him." 

Once again I'm left speechless.

"It worked with Emma."

I spit back, "I'm not Emma."

"He totally compares you to Emma in his head.  She's great."  Chris stands up from the locker and gets inches away from my face.  "Let's say you're kissing him while on his lap and in between your legs you feel something hard.  What do you do?"

I'm quick to realize I wouldn't know what to do.  I begin thinking of the proper response but every second that passes, the bigger his smile gets. 

I cross my arms.  "I don't have to worry about that because Luke would never allow me on top."

Chris laughs again, this time harder than before.  "Because that's his weak spot!  My goodness are you dumb.  You probably don't even know how to act when he's feeling your body."

Before I can think of what to say, he interrupts.

"And you probably don't even know how to make yourself orgasm let alone him.  And you probably don't even know what guys like and don't like.  And you probably don't even know how to give a hickey."

I don't even know what to say anymore. 

He just pats my shoulder.  "Invitation is always open, Bea."

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