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Author's P.o.v•

Riyaz and Riza chuckled bumping their fists.

"Comeee onn, tell us noww?!" Yn and Hassan whined.

"Yeah, so, it's just that the whole faruqi business is now under my name, my control, i own the Faruqi's now. I've left that man of a whore with just some...umm.. i guess 10, yeah just 10k of bank balance . " She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Whatttt??" Hassan and yn asked shocked.

"Yup" she nodded.

"And you know guys, leaving someone like that....I mean without no harm to their fake reputation and ego or a deep scar to them to remember with whom they've fucked, for the whole life, is not what Riza Afreen do, right?" Riza said looking at her nails.

"Yeah...right" Yn and Hassan answered, thinking what's they're going to hear next.

Riza looked up at them and smiled, then a smirk slowly captured her lips.

"I made sure that the whole Mumbai, excluding my family sees what Mr-perfect-iqbal faruqi was doing behind his family's and his fianceé l's back,a which ultimately tarnished his reputation and triggered His male ego. He got so angry that without thinking twice, he confronted me, then tried to molest me and also gave me a murder threat, in my own fucking office....."  She paused.

"Can you believe that?" She chuckled in disbelief.

"But i liked his confidence for that btw." she said showing amusement.

"But, tch tch tch, for that he'd be rotting in jail for almost 5-6 years now". She completed with a careless look.

"So now let's just let him rot in peace." She shrugged with a smile. A different kind of smile.

Hassan, yn and Riyaz listened to her silently and carefully.

"But dii, how did you managed to get all the business of theirs under you?" Hassan asked confused.

"Ohh that, ukw?" She chuckled.

"His own father also doesn't have a bit of belief in him, he loathed his son and called him names saying he wasn't worthy of anything which indeed that fucker is not. Javed faruqi didn't wanted to risk his business so when the engagement happened, he made an alliance, which stated, after the marriage all the business will belong to me." She told them.

"Iqbal didn't knew a thing about the alliance, else he wouldn't have cheated on me. But when he did, I called off the wedding, and ofcourse i did presented to his dad why I took that decision."
"Ohh, but why he didn't handed it over to some one else from his blood line?" Riyaz asked.
"He's a greedy dying man riyaz, he wanted to see his company to be on top before he dies and I'm the only way he could reach there, so I just manipulated him a little and gave him hopes and ta-da my work of Iqbal Faruqi's downfall got easier, his dad changed the alliance and transferred all his business to me."
She finished.
"Now let's just leave this topic here, can we?" She asked and they nodded.
"Look at the moon and how peaceful the night is looking, enjoy this peace before we all get busy in our daily lives, again." She stared at the moon, and then after few seconds closed her eyes feeling the cold breeze caressing her skin.
"Wanna go on a walk, love?" Riyaz whispered asked to yn.
"Sure" she smiled at him.
Riyaz got down from the rock and helped yn too. Hassan looked at them with a raised brow.
Yn- going on a little walk.
She mouthed and he gave a thumbs-up to her. Riyaz intertwined his hand with her and they started walking away from them, quitely.
"So..." Yn started once they were quite far from Riza and Hassan.
"So?" He questioned.
"You knew everything from the beginning?" Yn asked halting her steps.
"Yes and No" he answered truthfully.
"I knew that he cheated on her and she was going to do something, but i didn't knew about the alliance and all that she just told us." He said staring in her eyes.
"Ohkk..." Yn nodded her head thinking something.
"Trust me jaan" Riyaz said pulling her closer.
"Mhm, I trust you." She said wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Then?" He raised his brow.
"Just wondering how could she be so strong, so strong that she carried the pain of losing her first love all the way till now without letting us know." Yn told her thoughts to him.

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