Chapter 43

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She looks like a rabbit caught on the road with headlights in its eyes, not sure which way to run. I let out a huge sigh of relief when she finally gives in and says she'll come and grab a bite to eat with me. Only, I have no intention of taking her just to Bluebell's or the Rib Eye Shack. No, I want to treat Sage to something more special. It's the least I can do for her helping me out here at the practice and for being part of the fundraiser/festival we're hosting in a few weeks.

Which reminds me, we still have so much to do. Sadie will be on the craft stall, Sage's mom and mine will be managing the cookie stand and I'll be getting the band together to play on the main stage, I need to speak to Abe we need some kegs too and god, there is just heaps still to do. Thank goodness for Eliza who always manages to pull it all together. I thank my lucky stars for the day she walked into my life and needed a job.

"I can drive us." I tell her, knowing that ankle has sure got to be sore still.

"How about I just drive behind you? Much easier that way if you piss me off I can run out on you." Is she kidding? I raise my eyebrows.

"Why would that even happen? Wow, you have such a low opinion of me right now. I wasn't the one who left remember, you knew I had responsibilities." I say for like the umpteenth time.

"We've covered this already, Logan. Let's not get back into it. We're supposed to be putting it all behind us and besides, I am hungry and you know how I get." She tells me as she slings on her baby-blue pea coat. The colour brings out her eyes and sets off her hair. I want to go and grab her by the collar and bring her lips to mine.

"Don't I just. I recall you getting hangry on more than one occasion, you're almost like a volcano when you get going. C'mon then, darlin' let's go."

"Will you stop with the darlin'. You know I am not your darlin'." She ties the belt around her waist and throws her brown Mulberry bag across her shoulder.

"Sorry, old habits die hard." I take my keys out of my pocket and start to walk towards the door.

"Try harder." She always has to have the last word, I turn and give her my lopsided smile, knowing full well she has a thing for my dimples and my wink. I see her blush. Gottcha.

I make my way to my truck and she to her car. "Where are we going in any case? The Rib shack or Bluebells? Only, I don't fancy going to Bluebells, we've had enough of nosey town folk already."

"Just follow me, we're not going to either. I need to get away from everyone in my business too." I get in my truck as she nods.

The drive is peaceful there aren't many cars on the road right now, I marvel at the evening rolling in, the sky is a mysterious grey-pink, for sure tomorrow will be cooler again but with bright sunshine. The fall here in Willowbrook is beautiful. As I drive I'm listening to my playlist and I guess I'm in Love by Clinton Kane comes on. His words ring true, what can I say?

Oh, I'm obsessed
With the way your head is layin' on my chest
How you love the things I hate about myself
That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again
Oh, I'm a mess
When I overthink the little things in my head
You seem to always help me catch my breath
But then I lose it again
When I look at you, that's the end

And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
Butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you

And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love

I check my rearview mirror since I wouldn't put it pass my little darlin' to swoop in another direction and avoid having dinner with me. I've chosen a cute restaurant over in Coppertown where not many folks know us as having been a couple. For sure, some know me as their doctor they visit in Willowbrook. Generally, though when I come to Coppertown I am not invaded and I know that Sage and I will be able to dine in peace. At least, I hope so. 

In front of me is the stunning view of Café Cimino Country Inn. I know Sage loves this place, it's where we went after prom when her folks treated all of us including my folks to a meal to celebrate end of school and the fact that Sage had been accepted to med school. With its two floors it looks like an old fashioned house, columns outside and a large wrap around deck. The lights are on and offer a stunning orange glow across the gardens out front adorned with shrubs and a water feature.

I park my truck and step out just as Sage pulls in next to me. "Wow, you're not thinking this is a date of any kind are you?" She asks suspiciously. I wish.

"Of course not, but we want to eat and we want to eat out of Willowbrook. Besides, I know how much this place means to you. I thought you'd like to have something good in your stomach."

"Thank you, Logan. I do love it here. Do you remember when we came after prom? Gosh, life was so exciting, school was out, I had just been accepted to med school." Her voice is breathless, like she has stepped back in time to a dream life. I try not to think what could have been if she'd not left us all here. I don't want the old wounds to open up and cut through my heart again. I'm only just starting to mend and to be honest, since that night, I haven't been back here either. It's a place that will always be in my heart special to just Sage and I.

"Let's get inside, it's getting fresh." I know my voice is full of emotion even though I try hard to not let on. Sage links her arm through mine, I don't let on either that she's just caused a warm sensation to run through my body or that I am blown away by her action. This isn't the same Sage I've been dealing with for the last few days. Maybe it's the place, the memories. Who knows, but I sure as hell am glad that she is on my arm right now.

I couldn't be prouder to have her by my side if I tried. I just hope this can be the start of rekindling our old flame. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance, Small Town Romance NovelWhere stories live. Discover now