𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟙 - 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅

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"Ugh... fuck..." you grunted under your breath and awkwardly tried to sit up again, until Kakucho brought his hand to your back to help you sit up straight. He asked you why you cussed and if something was wrong, but you just shrugged your shoulders trying to create some kind of plan for the week, since you had nowhere to go until Noah got all his stuff out of the apartment and you could move in again. You were paying for the rent anyway, so why would you let him stay there.

I'm dumb but not that dumb...

Would a week be enough to move out? You had so much stuff at home, so you were sure you couldn't move out in a week, but most of the furniture was bought by yourself, so he only had a few things to get out of the apartment. But what would you do in the meantime? You had no clothes, bags, toiletries, nothing with you. You were not sure how to approach it, but the only option was to get a hotel or...

... ask Kakucho if you could stay here for a few nights and get some toiletries and clothes from some kind of store. That's the only two things that seemed plausible to you, but a hotel would be expensive.

I don't know if I should ask him to stay here... That would be kind of rude, wouldn't it? But I have no choice, a hotel would be too expensive for a week.

You were still weighing out your options in your mind, and sat there completely zoned out, when you were awoken out of your trance by Kakucho standing up and getting some more water for you. He didn't even ask what was wrong a second time, since he figured you would still be in pain and could not really think straight. You stared at him setting down the glass in front of you, and decided to steel yourself to ask him if you could stay here. Just one night. Then you will find somewhere else to stay at... You just needed a little time to figure out where to go, because, to be honest, you had no one left.

"Kakucho..." He was just relaxing and leaning back in the chair he was sitting in, when your scratchy voice alerted him and his body tensed up. "Can I ask you something? Maybe it's rude, but I really have no other choice..." He raised an eyebrow and gestured you to go on with what you were saying.

"Can I stay here tonight? I know it's inappropriate to ask, but I really can't go home tonight... Noah is going to be there, getting his stuff out of the apartment and I-" you tried to explain it to him but he interrupted you midway through your sentence. "Yeah, our boss is not going to be here this week, so this shouldn't be a problem. But just for your info, a few others of us are gonna be here throughout the week." he responded and shrugged his shoulder even though he had in mind, that he could find out some things about your past, since he was really intruiged because you said you had been fucked over by other people many times before.

You hesitated but nodded, keeping in mind, that you only knew Sanzu and him, and none of the others. To be honest, you had no choice, so you had to live with the fact that you would meet them soon, and that kind of made you a little nervous. They were criminals. Who would assure you, that you wouldn't get hurt again.

While you were thinking about what it would be like meeting the others that sometimes lived there, Kakucho was already gathering some stuff from some boxes in the back of the living room when the loud rustling of him rummaging through stuff made your headache worse.

"Thank you... I don't know where else to go..." While you were talking, he wouldn't stop searching through the boxes and didn't really pay attention to what you were saying. "What are you doing Kakucho??" You raised your voice a little to get his attention and he turned around to answer your question with a slight smile on his face.

Why is he rambling through the boxes like a maniac?

"I'm getting you a pillow and some sheets, so you don't get cold in your room." You were a little bit taken back, because you didn't expect such hospitality from criminals, and were quick to decline his offer. "No no no, the couch is fine, I can stay here, I don't want to bother you. There is really no need to-" you tried to explain, that you didn't need anything, since he already cared for your injury and was here until you were conscious again. You didn't want to cause any more trouble and bother them since you would be staying there for free.

I'm gonna get them something in return, obviously they don't have to do this...

"Don't act so humble, y/n. We have a few spare rooms upstairs and you will stay there. You will have your own little space there for this week." His expression was so soft and the smile he gave you could have melted the northpole, it was so sweet, but you were so uncomfortable staying somewhere and you didn't really even know the people you were staying with.

I told him I want to stay for a night... Why would he suggest to stay for the whole week?

"THIS WEEK? But I only needed somewhere to stay for tonight, I will figure out the rest..." you looked at him and squinted, while his smile just got brighter before he responded. "Moving out takes longer than a day, does it? So you will stay here for the week and your injury can heal."

MY GOD - WHY IS HE SO KIND? What happened to him that made him turn into a criminal. He is too nice to be in that kind of environment...

You were just staring at him in awe, and though his smile was so kind, you sensed the sadness in his gaze, and just wanted to hug him tightly. His heart must have been broken way too many times before, but still he is doing everything to make the people that mean something to him feel okay. Other than that, he was still a criminal. He could still be cruel if he wanted to. And he could still hurt people that were trying to take them down, as you saw a few weeks back.

The tears were collecting in the corners of your eyes, when he stood in front of you with a blanket and a pillow under his arm, waiting for you to stand up and get you to your room, the smile still not fading away.

"Can you stand up? Let's get you to your room."

"Thank you... I don't know, my head still hurts and I'm still diz-"

You couldn't finish your sentence, when suddenly you were scooped up in his arms again, and as you laid down your head on his chest, the tears began slowly travelling down your cheeks, with you trying to stay silent.

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