Chapter ten: Meeting Bella

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"Smile, you are scaring the customers away,"Jason whispers very close to my ear, his deep voice vibrating against the skin of my ear making me flinch.

I flinched away from him startled and then turned to face him a displeased scowl on my face.

"You should wear a bell around your throat," I snapped irritated at him for scaring him. For a big man of six feet five, and big muscles he sure moves like a cat.

"Sorry, Bells, but the gloomy look on your face could send a jungle cat running in opposite direction. You are a stunning woman and I am sure a smile will look pretty good on you. Our customers will certainly appreciate it," he smiled to lessen the scolding tone in his voice.

I rolled my eyes at him for singing the same song over and over again. I started working at Ecstasy a week ago as a bartender and my boss, Jason have been on me to smile more. I am here to pour drinks not smile at the customers.

"I serve drinks not smiles," I growled at him, scowling at him more for repeatedly being on my case.

There are two other bartenders working along side me, —Ecstasy gets very busy especially on weekend nights like this— and Jason is not on them to smile. He doesn't need to because the the other Bs are as friendly as a poodle.

"No, sweetheart. The two go hand in hand. A smile is not that difficult," he smiled, displaying a roll of perfect white teeth that contrasted well with his smooth, obsidian skin.

"Now try it."

I bared my teeth. "How is that?" I asked through my clenched teeth.

"Like the wicked witch of the west. Now try doing it like a siren."

I softened my smile, giving him something real to get him off my back.

"Perfect!" He didn't add the ovation implied. He held me by the shoulder and moved me back to face the customer side of the counter while speaking in a low tone again.

"Now try it on him."

The guy standing on the other side was gorgeous, he looked to be in his middle forties, but still looks fit and handsome. His blue eyes were sparkling, a reflection of the charming smile coating his lips.

His smile told me that he heard the conversation between Jason and I which brought back the scowl on my face.

"You know he is right," he grinned bigger at me.

"About what?" I arched a brow at him.

"The smile. I bet it will transform your gorgeous face into something magnificent," he demonstrated dramatically with his hand trying to score a smile with me.

I gave him that. His hand gesture and facial expression was pretty hilarious.

"There it is!" His grin stretched further, and the stars in his eyes reminding me of the stars in the night sky. He is really a gorgeous guy.

"What can I get you?" I reverted back to business. Play time was over.

"Your name," he teased, his tone a smooth blend of flirty and jovial.

"Sorry, not on the menu," I smirked at him.

He tried to feign disappointment. "That is too bad, because I believe it will tastier on the lips than any drink here," he winked at me.

I scoffed with a smile at his corny lines. "You are good." I said sounding impressed.

"I try." The smile on his face grew cocky. He was man who knows he his good looking, and he has the smooth tongue to go along with it. Getting girls must not a difficult task for him.

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