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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "What are you doin' here, loser?" 💫✦🌺

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "What are you doin' here, loser?


VENUS ALWAYS LOVED HALLOWEEN. She loved the parties, she loved the movies, and she loved the candy. But Halloween as a college student had proven to be less rewarding.

Sure, she, Sam, and Jess had gone out to a Halloween party earlier that night. But it was only for a few hours before Jess and Venus remembered that they had a project due the next morning that they were only half done with.

So, while Sam was fast asleep in his and Jess' room, the girls sat droopy-eyed on the kitchen floor in their pajamas lamenting over their laptops and the stack of books Venus had brought over from her apartment next door. Venus' lips parted to release a deep yawn as she listened to Jess re-read their concluding paragraph.

"Sounds good enough right?" Jess turned to face Venus, her exhaustion evident in her features.

Venus took a deep breath before nodding, "Jess it's 2 am...literally anything sounds good enough right now."

Jess softly chuckled at her best friend's words. "Okay if you say so, V," the blonde replied, hitting save on their completed report, "But we both know damn well you're gonna open the document tomorrow morning and make like a hundred edits."

"You know me so well, Jessica Winchester," Venus teased with a smug grin.

Jess rolled her eyes as Venus began packing up her books and laptop. "Venus," she addressed the brunette in a scolding manner.

"What? We both know that boy is going to propose to you any day now," Venus lowered her voice to a whisper, nudging Jessica's reddening cheek with her index finger.

Jess couldn't fight the grin that spread across her face at the thought of an impending marriage to Sam. "Whatever," she brushed off the topic with a blush.

The girls stood to their feet with their books now organized and their project completed, prepared to say their goodbyes for the night.

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