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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "I think your life was worth saving and it always will be to me

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "I think your life was worth saving and it always will be to me."


VENUS HOPED THAT A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP and a proper meal would cleanse her of this disturbing feeling that sat with her since Dean's recovery. But she was wrong.

They were now in a hospital room somewhere in Nebraska, waiting to hear confirmation that Dean was in good health. 

Venus already knew the answer. Dean's green eyes had gained back their color, his faint freckles were visible again, his dull grey skin returned to its milky white, and he was walking without a limp. He was in tip-top shape.

But he seemed bitter about something.

"Well, according to all your tests," the nurse returned to the room, a clipboard in hand, "There's nothing wrong with your heart. No sign there ever was," she came to a stop between where Sam and Venus stood in front of the older Winchester who was sat on the bed, "Not that a man your age should be having heart trouble, but...it's strange, it does happen."

"What do you mean strange?" Dean wondered aloud.

"Just yesterday, a young guy like you—27, athletic— out of nowhere, heart attack."

A beat of silence passed before Dean expressed his thanks to the doctor and she left.

Sam still wore that triumphant grin on his face while Venus' smile was more unnerved. Dean's eyes lingered on her face for a moment knowing that she was possibly thinking the same thing he was.

"That's odd," he turned to his brother.

"Maybe it's a coincidence," Sam shrugged, "People's hearts give out all the time, man."

"No they don't," Dean shook his head.

Venus stepped forward, "They do actually. But do we have to look this one in the mouth, Dean? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved your life?" she said, not fully accepting her own words but needing to move past this. All that mattered to her was that Dean was okay.

"Because I can't shake this feeling," Dean stood to his feet, "And neither can you, Venus. That's why."

Venus swallowed harshly, not wanting to admit to Dean's accusation. She moved to the corner of the room, grabbed a bottle of water, and opened it.

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