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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "He'll still be the same stubborn son of a bitch he's always been

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "He'll still be the same stubborn son of a bitch he's always been."


A FEW MILES OUTSIDE OF MANNING COLORADO, Venus' motorcycle, Freddy, cruised ahead of the Winchesters' Impala on an empty stretch of road. The sun had just set an hour ago which meant that the brunette hunter had her recently gifted golden sunglasses resting atop her face, drowning the path ahead in a bright yellow.

But she was irritated.

Her hair, which she was basically forced to straighten because Dean refused to stop at a store fifteen minutes off the route and restock her curl moisturizer, blew in the wind, partially trapped by the dark blue knitted cap she had resting on top of it. She was two days into her period and, as always, her cramps were earth-shatteringly painful, even with painkillers. And to top it all off, Dean swiped the last of her fries off her plate while she was in the bathroom at the last diner they were at. 

Sam had to grab her fork before she could take it and stab Dean in the neck.

Just then, Dean's voice came through the recently purchased walkie-talkie she had hanging off her bike's windshield. Speak of the damn devil..."Uh breaker breaker 234, do you copy? Over." he called for her attention in an exaggerated trucker voice.

Venus took a deep breath and used a hand to grab the small communication device. "Dean, just so you know, I really regret buying these. Over."

Dean's chuckles sounded through the walkie, "Hey you're the one who was all like, 'It's so much more convenient, and it'll save us so much money on our phone bills, Dean, please, buy it, please, please– " he repeated her words from the previous day in a nasal, high pitched voice.

"I did not say please that many times, you piece of shit," Venus fiercely cut him off.

Sam grabbed the walkie from his brother and decided to try and comfort the girl, knowing that Dean's voice was the last thing she needed right now. "We're almost there, V, hang in there."

"hAnG iN tHeRe," Venus mocked Sam's voice, "Tell your idiot brother that when we find a motel, I'm gonna smother him with a pillow for stealing my fries. Over."

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒 - Dean Winchester (1)Where stories live. Discover now