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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "I put in the work to get here, and I didn't need to use my gun once

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "I put in the work to get here, and I didn't need to use my gun once."


DEAN'S SNORES FILLED A SMALL room at the Rockford Inn, just an hour outside of Stanford University.

Sam sat at the table across the room, decked in a blue dress shirt that was only halfway buttoned, black pants, and a matching blazer resting on his chair, nursing a cup of coffee and watching Venus attempt to sneak up on his older brother.

The brunette, whose curls were pinned up in large rollers, carefully flipped open her camcorder, pointing the lens at a sleeping Dean.

"Welcome to Commencement Day: Parte cuatro," she whispered in a news reporter voice, shushing Sam's laughter behind her, "As a treat to our loyal viewers, we've managed to capture a rare feat here, folks," she continued circling Dean with the camera, "A wild bear, deep in slumber."

Dean's eyes fluttered open seconds later to the horrifying sight of the inside of a camera lens. "Godamnit, Venus," he grunted, jerking away from the camera.

Venus' giggles filled the room soon after, replacing Dean's snores. She hit the zoom-in button, getting a closer shot of the drool on the side of Dean's lips. "You've got enough water there to fill a swamp, Dean. What were you dreaming about?" she grinned, pulling her eyes away from the camera for a moment.

Dean's eyes widened slightly. "Nothing," he quickly answered, looking away from Venus and the camera. He released a quick yawn and forced his body out of bed, standing to his full height and looking down at Venus' camcorder with obvious disdain. "Are we really doing this again? It's been five years," he gestured to the handheld recording device.

"Five years since the last graduation and now there's another one, so yes, we're doing this," Venus told him. It was a tradition that she started, recording each of their graduations for the sake of kept memories. The first was Dean's high school graduation, which almost didn't happen, then hers, then Sam's a few years after. Once she enrolled in Stanford she planned to continue the tradition even if the only people she'd be able to share it with would be Sam and Jess.

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