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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "You wrote the book on maturity, right?"💫✦🌺

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "You wrote the book on maturity, right?"



The hunters had been staying at Bobby's for a week now and everyone took to grieving in their own ways.

Arturo was bedridden for most of it, refusing to talk to anyone and crying himself to sleep most nights. However, one night, he did allow Venus to sit with him as he rambled away about his fondest memories of his deceased best friend. 

Dean spent most of his time in Bobby's scrapyard, restoring the Impala and always sipping a beer or something stronger that left an unpleasant scent on him. Every attempt at conversation that Venus made with him was either no longer than three seconds, or just completely ignored. He was like a powder keg, ready to blow at the slightest touch.

Even Sam seemed to be actively avoiding conversation, opting instead to keep his nose in John's notes for a new way to find and kill the demon. He'd always wave Venus off, insisting that he was 'hanging in there' and even trying to flip the script and ask her how she was holding up.

But Venus couldn't even begin to unpack her own feelings. Her relationship with John was more than complicated, constantly teetering on the line of respect and hate. But regardless he was a constant presence in her life for two decades. Losing that wasn't easy, no matter how much she lied to herself about it. 

And of course, there was the lingering guilt for failing to avenge Jess.

So when she wasn't tending to her uncle, Venus found herself either listening to music or drinking, finding it to be the only way to cope with her failures and grief. Messed-up thoughts could no longer weave their way into her head if she was constantly blasting Sade on her Walkman or downing a bottle of the strongest thing she could pluck from Bobby's liquor cabinet to drown them out.

She was passed out on Bobby's couch when Sam shook her awake, the younger hunter frowning at the tiny cocktail umbrella hanging from her lips.

"What now?" she grumbled, throwing her legs onto the ground and sitting up. Venus took almost ten seconds to realize that the umbrella was in her mouth, quickly pulling it out when she did.

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