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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "Nothing wrong with a little risk, hermano

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "Nothing wrong with a little risk, hermano."


VENUS WAS THE FIRST TO OPEN her eyes. She could barely move thanks to the weight of Dean fast asleep on her back, but her hands slowly slid under her pillow to graze the machete she had lying there.

She waited for the slow footsteps to draw nearer and pulled Sylvia closer to her. Only to be met with the oddly perky voice of Sam Winchester.

"Morning sunshine," the younger Winchester greeted.

Venus released a relieved breath and returned her machete to its hiding place. 

Her head flopped back onto the pillow momentarily before she realized Dean's arms were wrapped very low around her waist. Her eyes widened as heat rose to her cheeks.

Dean eventually woke up at the sound of his brother's voice, finding his head resting on very soft pillows only to realize they weren't exactly the same pillows he fell asleep on. His original pillows definitely weren't wearing Mickey Mouse shorts.

"Hope you had fun using my ass as your pillow," Venus' sleepy voice met his ears.

"I did actually," he replied, reluctantly releasing his grip on her waist and using his thumbs to gently rub the areas where his rings were pressed against her skin, "Best sleep I've had in years."

Dean rolled off Venus' body, allowing the girl to turn onto her back and face Sam.

"You brought me coffee and donuts!" she smiled, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"What time is it?" Dean groaned, sitting upright at the top of the bed.

Sam glanced outside their motel room window, "It's about 5:45."

"In the morning?"


"Where does the day go," joked Dean.

Venus slid off the bed and stood facing Sam. She stretched her arms in the air trying to pretend like she didn't see Dean staring at where her shirt lifted to reveal her toned abdomen briefly. "Did you get any sleep last night, 'mano?" she asked Sam, noticing the fatigue in his eyes.

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒 - Dean Winchester (1)Where stories live. Discover now