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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "I take payments in the form of M&Ms

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "I take payments in the form of M&Ms."


VENUS FLAILED HER LIMBS for possibly the twentieth time since the shifter left that night. A triumphant shout left her lips when she finally managed to get the heavy tarp off her head.

She heard small chuckles coming from Sam's direction and turned to see him looking at her with his tarp discarded on the ground beside him.

"The hell are you laughing at?" she snapped, her chest heaving.

Sam used his chin to gesture to her head, "Your hair looks like a rat's nest."

Venus furrowed her brows in confusion before feeling something move in her hair. A horrified scream ripped through her at the feeling of tiny rat legs fumbling around in her scalp. "Oh my God, there's no fucking way!" she exclaimed, shaking her head haphazardly until she felt the rat jump out.

In her panicked flailing about, she managed to saw away the final pieces of the ropes binding her hands. Now having free use of the limbs, she attempted to reach them down to her combat boot where she had a knife hidden. But the ropes still seizing her waist and neck made it way more difficult to reach.

"Venus? Sam? Is that you?" a familiar voice called out from behind the pair.

Venus and Sam's eyes widened as they turned to see Dean shrugging off a piece of tarp. How long had he been there? 

"Yeah it's us," Sam replied, a relieved smile taking rest on his face, "He went to Rebecca's, looking like you."

"Well, he's not stupid, he picked the handsome one," Dean joked, missing the glare Sam shot him over his shoulder.

Venus finally managed to grip the knife in her boot and used it to cut through the rope on her waist and neck. She welcomed the intake of air without the restriction of the rope around her neck with a sigh.

"How'd you get out?" Sam grinned, watching the brunette stumble to her feet.

She brandished her blade with a smile before running over to where Sam was restrained.

"See the thing was, he didn't just look like you. He was you, or he was becoming you," Sam explained to his brother who was beginning to free himself from the rope as well.

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒 - Dean Winchester (1)Where stories live. Discover now