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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "...Derek?"



Those were the hurried words that Sam left them with, placing some frayed cord in Venus' hands and running off before they could protest.

Venus took a shaky breath and carefully moved from her hiding spot, maneuvering around a row of counters and moving closer to Ronald's body.

"Venus what the hell?" Dean muttered, following her and staying out of the light.

Venus nodded to Ronald's discarded rifle. "We're not walking out there with your little pea shooter."

Dean moved closer to Ron's body, glancing between him and the stream of light shining through the window. "Sorry, Ron," he sighed, "You did a real good job tracking this thing, you really did."

"Damn straight," Venus nodded from behind him. She swiftly reached a leg out to grab the mouth of the gun and slid it over to herself, picking it up, and checking the magazine. She then cocked it and secured a grip on the weapon, looking at Dean once she was done. "Ready?"

He was staring at her already. "That was so hot."

"Dean," she hissed, snapping him out of whatever horndog train of thought he was stuck in.

Dean nodded and glanced over at where the security guard was crouched down in the stairwell behind them. "Ready."

Within minutes, Dean had grabbed the guard, tied his hands together, and moved to the front door, holding the older man in front of himself and Venus as a human shield.

Venus flipped her cap, lowering the brim as much as possible, which wasn't nearly enough to cover her face. "God, this is definitely the dumbest fucking thing we've ever done," she tightened her grip on Ronald's rifle, cowering behind the guard and pointing the barrel over his shoulder.

"We'll probably top this in a few months," Dean shrugged, beginning to walk the guard out to the entrance slowly.

Venus' eyes widened at the sight of SWAT agents approaching with shields and very large guns. "Everything's gonna be alright, sir," she tried to tell the guard, as well as herself.

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒 - Dean Winchester (1)Where stories live. Discover now