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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "Get your filthy fucking hands off me

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: "Get your filthy fucking hands off me."


Three months later...

VENUS SAT ON THE HOOD of the Impala at a gas stop. She hadn't checked her emails for over three months and it was coming back to bite her. 

The brunette thumbed through her phone, skimming through multiple angry emails from professors demanding that she start handing in makeup assignments for the numerous tests and projects she had missed or risk losing the full-ride scholarship she was coasting through on.

There were also a few emails from Garth showing her pictures of some of his latest hunts; both monster and animal. The stupid grin he wore in each picture next to his catch made her smile. She drafted a quick response and hit send, but her mind still drifted back to her schoolwork.

Venus immediately took a notepad from Sam's bag and began making a to-do list of the tasks she had to do. She didn't know how she'd get it all done while still on the road, or even if she wanted to do it, but she knew she had to do it. She needed some sort of safety net to fall back on no matter how conflicted she was feeling.

The longer she stayed on the road the shakier her future began to look. Spending all of her time with Dean Winchester didn't help matters at all.

They were nowhere near close to finding John or the thing that killed Jessica but Venus and Dean seemed to easily fall back into old patterns; not-so-secret longing glances, abnormal amounts of physical contact than what was common for 'friends', sleeping in the same motel beds even without their arbitrary game of rock paper scissors, etc.

And despite her academic shortcomings, Venus was content. Sam had even somewhat made peace for his part in Jessica's death on their last hunt.

They were currently on their way to a possible case in Arizona but stopped to refuel.

Dean stood by the car's rear putting gas in the tank while Sam was sitting in the passenger seat looking through his father's journal when they heard Venus exclaim.

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