
180 7 4

Artist: Unknown

First Person—Grian

As soon as I stepped behind the counter the line was already long. I hate opening shifts so much.

"Hello, can I take your order?" I say multiple times for hours while quickly making each drink, why did Mumbo have to have a meeting this morning. We're so understaffed, I can't do all of this on my own! "Hey! Barista boy!" Oh no what now?

I turn to the voice and smile, "Yes miss?" I say with a bright smile. "You got my drink wrong! I want a refund!" She yells at me loudly. "Oh I'm sorry about that, give a minute to finish up these orders and I'll remake yours!" I say and she stares at me with the wrong drink in her hand. "No! I just want a refund!" She yells at me.

"Ma'am, I can't give out refunds without my boss on site." I reply with a strained smile, she is really getting to my nerves. "Well then where is he?!" She yells out, "In a meeting." I reply and continue to serve the drinks I had been making for the more patient and polite costumers.

She groans and starts yelling swears towards me, "Useless barista!" She yells and throws the cup onto me. "Ma'am please go, you are causing a scene." I say and sigh taking off the wet apron. "Not till I get a refund!" She yells. 

"That lady is totally crazy." I hear a costumer whisper and look up to see people recording, that's just great. Mumbo is going to be so upset finding out someone threw a drink on me and he wasn't able to catch it on camera himself. 

Slowly the last person I was wanting to see, walked into the building. "Look it's Hotguy!" "Oh my god! Hotguy!" The shop filled with compliments and people exclaiming for his attention.

"Good morning, can I get my—" "You! You cut in the line!" The Karen yells, she's not even in line. "Oh I'm sorry ma'am, you can—" "Ignore her. She's just a Karen upset that I can't give out a refund without my boss here." I whisper.

He chuckles and nods, "Your usual order I presume?" I ask looking up at him. "Yep! Plus one chocolate cake pop please." He says with a smile, "Got it." I reply and get the cake pop out of the case while preparing his drink.

"Just who do you think you are!?" The Karen yells and I'm assuming that's directed to S. "Here you go!" I say and hand him the drink, he smiles and looks down at the label before pausing and quickly leaving. "That was odd.." I mouth out to myself and get back to dealing with people ordering.

A loud shriek exclaimed out, "What happened!? Mumbo just called me to- and- WHAT!?" Oh hey finally he arrived. "Oh great you're here for your shift! Ignore the blonde woman, she's just trying to get a refund but Mumbo isn't here and she threw a drink at me." I say and quickly finish up the drink I'm working on. 

"What do you—" "Anyway it's my lunch break so bye and good luck with the Karen Timmy!!" "It's Jimmy!" He squeals as I quickly leave the counter to the back room. 

I swear this place is driving me crazy. Mumbo really needs to get others hired, it's literally just me, him and Timmy. "I wonder why S looked so shocked after he got his drink though.." I mumble to myself grabbing my lunch from the fridge.

First person—Hotguy

"How did he know that nickname? I've never said it to him! He normally just writes Hotguy! Or hero!" I exclaim walking around in a circle looking at the drink in my hands with 'S' as the costumer name.

But still, how did he know? Maybe I'll ask G if he told anybody else about it, I doubt he did but just maybe.

Word count: 645

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