Lunch Break

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Artist Fasamaradyuk on twitter

Grian's POV

"Timmy is going to take over during the lunch rush and also our break, come on." I say encouraging Scar to follow me to the break room and he does.

He sits down staring at his lunch bag as I open my own, "You alright?" I ask and tap at his arm, snapping him back to reality. "Oh yeah, I'm okay! Just getting used to the new job." He says and chuckles.

"Though I also have a question..." He mumbles and looks at me, directly into my eyes. He opens his mouth but quickly shuts it again, looking at his hands before back up at me. "Can you shoot archery?" He says with an awkward smile.

I chuckle at the question, "Yeah, I can. It's a small hobby." I reply. "Me and a friend do it sometimes together." I add on, thinking of Hotguy. 

You know, Scar looks like Hotguy without the visor and everything on. The same eye color and exact scar placement on his face. 

"I've got a question for you too actually." I say and see him jump slightly before nodding, "Do you have any pets? I've got two cats myself." I ask and see him calm down. Did he think it was going to be a harder question?

Scar chuckles and nods, "Yes I do, her name is Jellie! I can show you a picture just give me a second!" He says and grabs his phone.

It has a Hotguy themed case? That's cool, I've only seen one of those before and it was on Hotguy's phone.

"Here she is!" Scar says and shows me a picture of Jellie sitting on a bed but there's something off about the photo. I swear I've seen that cat before. "Cute! I've only got photos of Maui being trouble or Pearl sleeping on her bed." I say and pull out my phone showing my lockscreen of the two of them sleeping on my bed. 

Scar squeals, "Cute!" He says happily and looks up at me from my phone.

"You know, your cat looked similar to one of another friend of mine's." I say chuckling, He laughs and tilts his head. "What's your friend's name?" He asks with a small smile.

I smile, "Oh it's-" wait no was I about to say Hotguy.

shoot I need to think of someone quick.

"Ryan, my brain blanked on names for a second there heh." I finish saying and Scar looks at me with wide eyes. "Funny, my friend Charles has two cats with the same names as yours." Scar mumbles and looks at the table.

I need to say something. "There's someone asking for you two out front." Tim says walking into the break room. "Who?" Me and Scar say in sync.

"I don't know his name, but he's with that guy with the heavy accent." Tim says and looks at me. Heavy accent has to be Doc, so is it X asking for us? Why both of us? Either way, I have to go out there. I nod and stand up, going into the front of the shop with Scar shortly behind me.

"We need to talk about something." X says and crosses his arms, glaring sharply at Scar with Doc glaring me down.I chuckle and look at Scar who had the same nervous smile as me. "We'll be right back Jimmy!" I say and walk outside of the shop with Scar and these two.

Word Count: 565

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