Stop shooting random buildings!

253 11 7

Artist Unknown

First person—Cuteguy

Running onto the rooftop after seeing an orange arrow fly past the window, I see the culprit. "HOT GUY I SWEAR IF I SEE YOU SHOOT ANOTHER BUILDING I'M TAKING YOUR BOW!" I yell and run towards him. He smiles and waves me over. 

"Why are you like this." I mumble and put my hands on my hips, "Because shooting my bow is great!" He responds happily hugging me. I chuckle and hug him back, "You goof now come on we've got some patrolling to start." I say and smile up at the scared face male. 

He smiles and nods, letting go of the hug. "You've got it! Now let's go!" He exclaims and starts to run ahead of me, this dude is just a golden retriever I swear. "Oh hey, did you hear about the guy who passed out in a coffee shop?" I ask and look up at the taller hero as we run on buildings. 

I saw him freeze for a second and almost fall over but he laughed it all off, "No! what the heck!? that is so freaking random!" He exclaims and smiles back at me. "Pfft yeah it is random, he woke up and left before the emergency people could help out." I say and laugh as he looks off to the side with a small chuckle.

"How do you know all of this huh?" He asks looking back at me, "Oh um I saw it on the news!" I say with nervous laughter. "I should start reading the news more often for things like that!" He says with a bright smile back at me, "I guess that's true, sometimes the news has some pretty hilarious things." I respond as we both continue to run.

He kept making jokes and testing out his new arrows while we ran but I kept just thinking about that random bleeding guy from my shift, what was his name again? I have too many customers to remember each time I get some weird costumer. Well except for that one guy who said his name was 'The king of darkness' definitely something that brightened my day up for quite a while. I wonder what that guy is doing now.

Word count: 370

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