»The start«

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"That guy in your class is staring at you again." Emily rolls her brown eyes, nodding her head back to him.

"He's not staring at me, if anything he's looking at you." Arabella look behind her, where in fact he was staring at them.

"Shame I like vagina." Emily laughs as the bell rang.

"Have fun in class, see you at lunch." Arabella waves, grabbing her books and going into class.

"Hey Arabella, how are you?" Mr.Hall greets her.

"I'm okay, how are you?" She sit in the middle of the third row, Mr. Hall nodding and saying he's good.

"Hello Nick. Can you sit there for me please?" He points to the chair in front of her, the boy sits down leaning back slightly.

Everyone soon fills into the class, groaning slightly as they see what's written on the board.

The buddy project.

"Alright class settle down." Mr. Hall quiets all the students, pointing to the board.

"Alright students, this project is the Buddy Project. I will assign you to one of your fellow classmates and you will have to do almost everything with them for a month. You will make a video of what you two do for thirty seconds every hour. This will be 90% of your grade, and has to be at least two hours. Have fun and good luck." Mr. Hall sits down, putting his feet on the desk and picking up a book.

"Um, you haven't told us our partners yet."

"Oh yeah. Jack you're with Michael." The two boys on the side of Nick high five, the one in the middle groaning.

He names a few more names, leaving Arabella with three others.

"Justin and Alex."

"Lastly, Arabella and Nick!" She rolls her eyes at his excitement.

"Sit next to your partner." Everyone groans and gets up, shuffling to their shadow for the next month.

"Who's Arabella?" The brown haired boy in front of her whispers to his friend.She taps on his shoulder, waving slightly.

"I'm Arabella." he stands up and grabs his stuff, sitting down next to her.

"I'm Nick." He nods, smiling.

"Any questions?" Their teacher asks, a few hands going up.

"So does this mean we have to sleep in the same bed?" A girl in the back asks.

"No. After 9 pm you can go your separate ways. But once the clock reaches noon you have to be back with each other. That leads me to my next point. You need to show the date and the time in each thirty second video." More people groan.

The bell rings, everyone packing up.

"Oh I forgot! You have to sit by each other at lunch!"

"You can come over to my house later?" Nick shrugs, grabbing his stuff.

"Yeah sure, I'll meet you outside of school?"

"Well I'm in your health class so we could just meet after." He stands up, surprising the short girl with his height.

"Yeah that's cool, I'll see you at lunch."


"Now I have to sit next to him at lunch." She groans to Emily, grabbing an apple and paying for it.

"There he is. Have fun." she looks over to his table, running off to her friends.

"Em w-"

"Hey, I saved you a seat." Nick smiles, moving his little bag.

"Thanks." She mumbles, sitting down and looking at her green apple.

"I'm Mike." The boy with great hair says.

"I'm Arabella."

"Bella!" Christian, her other friend, says, a look of confusion covering his face as he sees who his friend sitting with.

"Buddy project." Arabella shrugs, Christian groaning.

"Have fun." He says sarcastically, going over to his table.


"So, um, are you ready?" Nick mumbles awkwardly as he reaches Arabella.

"Yeah, I guess." She shrugs, grabbing onto her book bag.

"Sorry it's a little messy, I wasn't expecting anyone." Nick whispers shyly, pushing the door to his house open.

"Welcome to the Robinson house."

Hello! This story takes place when Nick was in his junior year, and will be around 30 chapters(excluding this one).

Nick will also be 18 in this, as well as Arabella.

(Words excluding authors note, 647)


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