»day twenty-six«

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January 6,2015.


8:30 am.


"I'm so happy you're alive." Christian laughs in the hospital bed, scrunching his nose.  His leg was suspended on one of those sling things, as he was shot in the leg.

"Em is on her way, right?" He's been asking for her since I've been here and I've been here since six am.

"Yeah, she should be here soon." He smiles and closes his eyes, Michael walking in.

"Hey dude, sorry but we have to go."Michael says,smiling at me. Nick would be giving me a ride, but according to Michael, he said Nick had something to do.

So we left the hospital, and stopped at some breakfast place on the way home. Michael ordered a thing of fries, and I ordered pancakes.

"So, how are you and Nick?"

"I love him." I sheepishly say, trying to hide my blush. He squeals but clears his throat.

"He's so in love with you, he literally never shuts up about you. Everything about anything he's like you know who likes pancakes,Arabella. We would be talking about baseball and he would say that." Michael laughs and takes a bite of his fry.

"That's a lie." I laugh, cutting my pancakes. It had to be a lie, no one should love me.

"Trust me, he's been in love with you since,like, seventh grade. I remember ever since freshman year he would text us and be like have you seen how cute she looks today?" He laughs and dips his fry in ketchup before continuing.

"When he got partnered with you he texted the group chat next hour in all caps about how he had finally got his chance and how he was so nervous about messing up."

"Oh my god."

"I want to tell you other things but I don't think he'll be happy." he laughs again, god this boy is a ball of sunshine.

"Come on dude, I need more blackmail." I lean on the table, putting another piece of pancake on my fork. He raises his eyebrows, then asks me if I really want to know. Of course I said yes.

"well he has, dreams about you." I raise my eyebrows, Michael sighing.

"Like, kinks and shit." I choke on my pancake, laughing after.

"Listen, Nick probably is worried about you, we should get going. This talk didn't happen, got it?"

"What talk?" He smiles and nods, pushing the door open to the food place.

He soon drops me off at Nick's house, where an unfamiliar car was parked. I walk into his house, as he told me I could whenever I want.

"Arabella?" his voice sounds shaky and there was a loud bang.

"Nick?" I start walking up to his room, stopping to look at the shattered picture frame on the ground.

"Babe, don't come up here, g-go home." When he said that my heart started breaking. He was cheating on me. But then I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that he would not call me babe if he was.

"Nick? I'm coming up there." I heard a groan and everything clicked. I start running to him, slamming the door open when I get to where the noise was coming from.

"You scum bag." I narrow my eyes at his dad, who was holding Nick by his collar.

"Hello sweetie,''

"Don't call her that you pig." that earned a punch in the jaw to him, and I'm then I'm attacking him.

"You little b-" Nick punches him before he can finish, and then he drags me off of him.

"Arabella please go. I don't want you to get hurt." I shake my head, kicking his 'dad' when he got close to Nick. Thank god for high heels.

Then, he slapped me. The dumb pervert hit me. Before I knew what was happening, Nick was pounding his face in and I was calling the police. After I told them what was going on, I run towards the angry Nick and try to stop him.

"Babygirl, it's not the time." He says through his clenched teeth. I grab his arm again, pulling him off his 'dad'. The sirens start blaring, which makes both of their eyes widen.

"We need to get you out, I can't believe that douche lied a finger on you. I'm so so sorry babygirl, please forgive me. I love you so much." He kisses my forehead and hugs me tightly.

"Nick, it's not your fault. I love you too."

"Don't say that. It sounds like you're just agreeing with me." He shakes his head and kisses my neck.

"I am in love with you. I'll never stop." He stops kissing my neck as there is pounding at the door. Nick opens the door and leads the police to the monster upstairs.

1:00 PM.

"Babygirl, can I ask you something?" Nick says as he traces patterns on my arm.

"What's up?" I turn to look up at him.

"Can I teach you something else tomorrow?"

»authors note«

Words excluding authors note-853.

Also if anyone was confused by the last chapter, it was a shooting.

Quick question, Are you guys okay with smut?

Please tell me what you thought/ any suggestions of what should happen :). 

Only five more days of the buddy project, thank you so much for the support.

Comments make me happy :).


(Not edited.)

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