»day thirty«

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January 9,2015.


3:00 PM


"I don't want you to go." Nick groans, lazily putting his arm around me.

"I'm sorry dude, I don't want to go either." I squish his face, causing him to look up at me.

"Do you think we can take it?" He refuses to make eye contact with me, and I sigh.

"Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie?"

"Don't lie." He starts playing with my hair, closing his eyes.

"I don't know, I hope so." He untangles his hand from my brown hair, sitting up and holding his head in his hands.

"I think we should breakup." My heart starts hurting and tears sting my eyes. Right when I find true happiness, they rip it right out from under me.


"It's better for the both of us."

"Oh, uh, sure. Yeah it is. I'm gonna go, I'll see you soon." I awkwardly grab my stuff and leave, wiping my face to get rid of the tears. I needed comfort. I couldn't go to Nick, as he caused this. Christian and Emily are out of town, and my parents would just agree with Nick. So that let two people: Jack and Mike. I wasn't that close with them, but I will cuddle with a hobo if it made me feel better.


"Mike?" I slam my door shut and lean onto the steering wheel, sniffing.

"What's wrong?"

"Nick broke up with me."

"What? Okay, um, please don't do anything stupid, I'll unlock the door. Jack is here, but he'll go get pizza and I will get snacks."

"Alright, thank you." I hang up and drive to Mikes house. I felt bad, ruining their plans. I felt even worse when I realized they're Nick's friends. But even thinking of Nick made me want to punch my face in.

"You okay?" Jack asks and I shake my head.  He pulls me into a hug and I start crying, Jack smoothing down my hair. In my eighteen years of living I've learned a lot: but I never thought I would have to learn the pain of heartbreak. I thought I felt heartbreak at age twelve, when the guy I liked dated my friend for two days, but that was nothing. It sounds stupid, as we've be- we were dating for fifteen days. But I loved him, I still do.

"Sit down, make yourself comfortable, I'm going to get some of Maddy's makeup wipes." He runs upstairs to whom I'm guessing is Mikes sisters room, leaving me downstairs on the couch.

Abe Lincoln is calling.

I sniff and answer the phone, trying not to cry.


"I'm sorry." Nick says, making me roll my eyes. He's not sorry.

"No it's fine, it's for the best anyway." Jack walks down the stairs and I put a finger over my lips.

"Are you sure? I'm sure it's not for the best."

"It was you who broke up with me, remember?"

"I broke up with you because you seem rather cosy with Mike." The phone was now on speaker, and Jack was covering his mouth.

"I'm not cosy with Mike."

"Then why is your car parked in front of his house?" My eyes widen, along with Jack's, and Jack bolts to look out the window. He turns to me and nods.

"Why do you care?"

"I've always cared, just, don't cheat on me."

"It's not cheating if we aren't dating."

"Don't make this harder then it is."

"How is this hard for you?"

"It's not easy to let go of someone you love."

»authors note«

Words excluding authors note-612.


I promised myself it will be done before the twenty fourth because I'm meeting my friend :).

Sorry for them breaking up, but things happen :(.

Also, if anyone is a fan of hey violet let me know.

Don't forget to comment and vote!


(Not edited.)

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