»Day Twenty-Three«

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January 3, 2015.


10:37 PM


"Dude why is he staring at us like that?" I glance over to Nick, who was squinting at us. I was standing next to Christian, talking to him about everything that happened over break.

"Nice to see you back guys!" Mr. Hall pats some people on the back before turning into his room. I'm not gonna lie I was hoping he would skate in here, but he didn't.

"Just leave him, he's making sure I don't do anything." I shake my head and look back at Christian. I watch as he adjusts his stupid Hawaiian shirt, gasping when I see a bruise on his neck.

"Is that a hickey?" I laugh, watching as his green eyes widen.

"What where? N-no that's not a hickey. Um, I burnt it with a straightener."

"Akridge, your hair isn't even that long." He fixes his blonde hair, which in fact is nowhere near his neck.

"Fine. It is a hickey."

"From who?" I raise my eyebrows and he starts blushing.

"No way!" I scream, causing people to look at us.

"What? Be quiet."

"Emily gave you that! I thought she was gay!"

"I thought so too!"

"She did give you that! Oh my gosh, I'm going to talk to her." Before he can do anything, I run to Emily, who was standing by her locker.

"Hey hickey girl."

"What?" She seems nervous, which made my life ten times better.

"You, my friend gave Akridge a hickey."

"What? Pft, no. I like girls, remember?" She laughs nervously, shutting her locker.

"You told me you had feelings for him at the park that one time."

"I don't like people with penises."

"Okay, just look at him. Imagine if he didn't have a penis, would you bang?"

"Of course I would. Look at him, he's beautiful." I look at her cover her mouth.

"You are soooo dating him!"

"Keep it down, ass wipe. You should probably go check on penis boy, he seems pretty angry." He was still squinting at us, so I roll my eyes.

"I told him I'm moving and he's angry at me." She nods and leaves, telling me she'll see me at lunch. I nod and go to class.

"I'm still mad at you." Nick says to me as I sit next to him in class, dropping his pencil on his desk.


"Okay? That's all I get?" He turns to me, making me internally groan.


"You better watch that pretty ass of yours, I'm gonna get you back." He was smiling now, which makes me believe he was actual not mad.

"Okay. What are you gonna do Punish me?" I laugh, Nick looking at me then slowly nodding.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do, babygirl." I'm pretty sure I could throw up with excitement of him calling me that.

"What's next? Me calling you daddy?" His eyes darken a little as he smiles.

"Wow, you are just doing so good today. Did you study?" He says sarcastically, turning back to the board.

"Whatever you douche," I laugh, writing down what the teacher was writing on the board.

"Douche more like daddy am I right?" I roll my eyes at him and go back to my work, feeling a hand hit my arm.

"You aren't in dress code, ms. Mitchell."

"What the fuck?" Nick says, a little too loudly.

"Excuse me?" She clears her throat and now all eyes were on us.

"How is she not in dress code?"

"She is showing shoulder, that's inappropriate. Just like your language."

"How the shit is her shoulder against dress code. It's a shoulder." The teacher, who I forgot the name of, gasps at Nick.

Turns out, Nick got a detention for 'cussing and talking back' to the grumpy old lady who should have been gone already.

I don't mean dead, but she is was over her seventies and I'm surprised she's not in the hospital.

"First day back, you already have a detention." I shake my head at the boy who's arms were crossed across his chest.

"I was defending you. It's a shoulder, not a boob. Oh my god, a shoulder! I'm going to get off to your shoulder. Because shoulders are so attractive." He leans back and I smile.

"You're so stupid." I shake my head and he groans.

"Whatever, babygirl.

11:24 PM

"So everyone sit next to your partners, I need progress updates." Mr. Hall says as soon as everyone is in the class room.

"Okay, Arabella and Nick, how is the project going?"

"Great." We say at the same time before he smiles, leaning his slender arms on his desk.

"Are you two... Together?"

"You mean dating?" Nick asks, which he nods at.

"We are." I answer.

"Yes! I mean, okay, cool. Next is Michael and Jack." He cheers before clearing his throat, motioning to the boys next to us.

"Wow, you two are just so cute." Jack says sarcastically, his deep dimples popping out when he talks. I'll admit, both of Nick's friends were very, very, attractive. If I wasn't in love with Nick, I am one hundred percent sure I would be trying to date Michael.

"Jack leave the stupidly adorable couple alone, they can't help it." Michael pouts and runs his hand through his amazing hair. I still am not over his hair.

"We are an adorable couple, aren't we?"

»authors note«

Words excluding authors note- 918.

This is all over the place yikes.


also thank you for 12 k and all the cute comments, they make my day!!!

I might not be updating as frequently because I'm learning all of Hey Violets songs on the drums, making a trailer for this, and i have school :(


But drag me down on iTunes. Trust me. It's amazing (Phil).


(Not edited).

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