»Day Thirteen«

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DECEMBER 24, 2014.


9:00 A.M.

"Wake up sleeping beauty! We have things to do!" I was waken by Nick hitting together pots and screaming.

"What the- oh you again." I roll my eyes once I wake up. Nick sarcastically smiles at me, putting the pans down.

"Aren't you going to ask where we're going?"

"Neverland! Oh wait don't tell me- heaven is a place on earth."


"Sorry I got distracted singing Everything I didn't say." I shrug standing up and stretching. Nick's face becomes a deep shade of red and he looks away.

"So what are we doing today?" I put a shirt on over my sports bra, turning to the flushed boy.

"We're going to Seattle!"

"Really?" He nods and sits on my bed, sighing.

"Yeah. Once I knew we were partners I made this reservation for this really fancy restaurant." He smiles and leans back.

"So I have to dress fancy?" I open my closet doors, sighing.

"Very. We're also going to see how many people think that we're dating."

"How come you aren't dressed up?" I look around in my closet, grabbing the white dress.

"I've got a tux in the car." He shrugs as I go into the bathroom to change.

"I'm going to shower too, I'll be out in ten."


12:00 PM.

"We are in Seattle, this is weird." I've never been to Seattle but it was pretty amazing.

"It's alright." he smiles, fixing his tie.

"You look so cute." I laugh, helping him fix his stupid striped tie.

"As do you, my dear." Even if I did look good, I was freezing.

"Why thank you cutie. What are we doing first?" I take his hand in mine and lace our fingers together, looking at him smiling.

"We are walking to the space needle." I watch as he takes his jacket off and puts it around my shoulders, throwing his arm around me after.

"We just got an 'aw look at how cute' by the way." he leans in and whispers to me.

"Good, we would make a cute couple." I smile at an old lady walking by, who smiles back.

"That's right, baby. We make an awesome couple." he takes his arm off me and intertwines our fingers again. He starts swinging our arms, smiling.

Once we reach the space needle, I was already tired.

"So tomorrow's Christmas." He turns to me, grabbing my un-occupied hand.

"It is. You're correct."

"Can I give you an early Christmas present?" I nod and he moves closer, resting his forehead against mine. I close my eyes thinking he's going to kiss me, because that would be the normal thing to do. Right?


"You're it." He pushes my shoulder and runs into the crowd, making me groan.

"He's such a child." I mumble to myself before walking towards him. The good thing was, I could always see him because of how tall he was. Once I reach him, he spins around.

"You're it." I whisper after kissing him, running away. I look back to see he's just standing in the same spot, smiling and touching his lips.


6:00 PM.

We were now sitting in a fancy restaurant, waiting for a waiter. Nick was still acting all weird from earlier, not even looking me in the eye.

The waiter soon comes and asks us all these questions, then leaving. I look at Nick, who was staring at the table.

"Are you okay?" I put my hand on top of his, causing him to finally look at me.

"I should ask you that." He states, pulling his hand away from mine.

"What are you talking about?"

"That was a real big stunt you pulled back there." he says coldly, crossing his arms.

"Oh I'm the one pulling a 'real big stunt'?" I put air quotes around a certain part, rolling my eyes.

"Yes, you are."

"Why are you so bitter?"

"Because Arabella,"

"Because why?" I copy his stance, crossing my arms.

"Because just buddies don't kiss eachother! Even when only one has feelings, and kissing them doesn't help it any!" He exclaims, uncrossing his arms and gripping the edge of the table.

"Why on earth would I just kiss you if I didn't have even the slightest interest in you?" I groan, god he was so aggravating.

"Y-you like me?" His grip on the table becomes lighter, a look of confusion over taking his face.

"Well I don't know Nick? Would I just randomly agree to dates with you? Or just going into the woods when I don't even know you? Of course I do!" I may be over reacting, but I get up and leave to take a breather.

"Arabella, come on." Nick says once we get outside.

"What do you want Nick?"

And with that simple question, he quickly runs towards me and kisses me.

»authors note«

Words excluding authors note- 827


Sorry it's such a short chapter, but hey another update!

Thank you so much to everyone commenting (also saying happy birthday) and voting, I love it.


Not edited.

-Ashley! (8 days group)

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