»Day Nineteen«

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December 30, 2014.


6:34 PM


"That's not very nice." Nick pouts as I tell him to be quiet. We were driving to Seattle to see the sunset from the space needle.

"Oh shut it, lover boy." I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Please, if anything you should be quiet." He places a hand on my thigh, making me inhale sharply. He laughs, drawing patters on my leg.

"Stop it, I'm driving, dude." He raises his eyebrows at me, smirking at me.

"Dude?" His hand moves a tiny bit up, making me slap his hand.

"Oh shush. " I put his hand back in his lap, stopping at the red light.

"Come on babygirl," My stomach flips as he says babygirl.

"Don't you dare say babygirl again."

"Why not, babygirl?" I feel my cheeks redden, which is not a good look. I push on the gas as the light turns green, trying to get to Seattle as quick as possible.

"I feel attacked." Nick laughs as I say this, shaking his head a little.

"You feel attacked?"


"Why do you feel attacked?"

"You are attacking me with sexual things!"

"Babygirl is not a sexu-"

"I'm kicking you out of my car and driving back home without you if you say babygirl again." He sighs, but doesn't call me babygirl anymore, thank god. Not that I find it gross, because trust me, it is far from gross. I just don't feel like driving a car sexually frustrated.

"Sorry. " he says, fixing his jacket sleeve.

"It will be fine, if you do one thing for me."

"I am not taking my pants off."

"What? No, I was gonna ask you to pass me that water please." I laugh, motioning towards his water bottle.

"Only if you say I'm the best." If he's trying to be that cute annoying couple, I will not let it happen.

"Nick I can kick you out at any second, now hand me the stupid water." I put my hand out and Nick hands me the water.

We reach the space needle, the sky a beautiful pinkish color.

"Nick, come on! We're gonna miss it!" I pull him thru the crowd to the entrance of the space needle, Nick groaning.

"It's a sunset, chill."

"It is not just a sunset, it's a beautiful thing." 

We were now at the top of the space needle (I DONT KNOW IF YOU COULD ACTUALLY GO THERE???), Watching the beautiful sunset. At least, I was watching it. I felt Nick's eyes on me the whole time, and I mean the whole time.

"Will you stop it?" I look over at him, Nick quickly looking away with his cheeks crimson.

"Stop what? I wasn't staring at you, I don't know what you-"  he stops as he realizes he admitted to it, focusing more on the sunset now.

"Really?" I look back at the sunset, but now it didn't seem so breathtaking as Nick does.

"Okay I was, but it's not my fault you're so pretty. It's unfair to others." He smiles, and I internally groan.

How dare he make me feel like this.

After the sunset we leave to go to some restaurant. It was right next to the one we were at last time, and was a fast food restaurant. We decided to give up the whole 'let's be fancy' thing, and just do what we want.

"Wait do you know what would be really cute?" I take a pickle from my burger, watching Nick.

"Nothing can be cuter then you, babygirl."

»authors note«
Words excluding authors note- 601.


Also I don't know like anything about anything other then where I live, so I have no idea if this is correct.

I couldn't find a picture of Nick to go with this, so here's Camila Cabello (aka Arabella) singing Miss Movin' on.


(Not edited)

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