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Jacob's P.O.V
I Don't Remember Exactly What Happened And I Don't Think I Wanna Know What Happened I Opened My Eyes And Unfortunately For Me Everything That Happened Last Night Comes Back To Me In A Flash And I Fall Out Of The Bed This Isn't My Bed And Unfortunately I Know Who Bed It Is.

I Get Up From The Floor And I Just Stare At Edward And He Stares At Me Maybe I Was Stareing A Little To Long Because I Ended Up Imprinting The One Thing I Never Wannad To End Up Doing Imprinting To Me It's The Worse Thing That Can Ever Happen In Your Life But I Can't Stop Thinking About It Or Edward God Can This Day Get Any Worse.

At The Same Time We Say The Same Thing What The Fuck,I Can't Believe I Just Slept With A Blood-Sucking Leech I Feel So Dirty I Say,And I Can't Believe I Slept With A Flithy Mutt Now I Smell Like Wet Dog Edward Says To Me,I Growl At Him A Angry Growl,When In My Mind And My Wolf We Were Both Hurt And Sad A Little God This Imprint Thing Is Already Effecting Me Fuck I Think To Myself.

I'm Surprised Edward Hasn't Said Anything About It Maybe I'm Just Doing A Good Job At Blocking Him Out Of My Mind,Anyways I Was Avoiding Edward's Eyes I Didn't Want To Think About This Imprint Anymore Then I Already Had To,I Knew You Were Bad For Bella But This Is Just Low I Say,First Of All Me And Bella Are On A Small Little Break Up So Mind Your Business,And If I'm Such A Monster Look In The Mirror Your Her So Called Bestfriend And You Slept With Her Boyfriend Edward Says Towards Me.

Imprints Truly Suck This Is Why I Never Wannad It To Happen I Always Felt Bad For Leah But I Also Unstood Sam When He Imprinted On Emily It Hurts Loving Someone You Can't Have And Now I Was In The Same Position I Just Felt Sad And My Heart Broke A Little Everytime,I Need To Get Out Of Here So I Grabbed My Clothes And Left Lucky None Of The Other Cullens Were Here So I Didn't Have To Deal With That.

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