Making Of A Tribrid

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Jacob's P.O.V
I Was Still Sitting On The Ground At The Beach Near The Water Just Stareing Into The Water,I Caught A Scent Of Something It Was Vampire I Quickly Stood Up And Truned Around And I Saw A Vampire Standing There Usely I Would Have Phased Already And Attacked The Vampire I Mean That's What I Was Born To Do Except I Couldn't Move.

I Was Frozen I Didn't Know What To Do And The Vampire Could See The Fear On My Face Why Was I Frozen With Fear Why Couldn't I Move I Thought To Myself,Well You Can't Move Because Vampire/Witch Hybrid's Have That Effect On People The Vampire With Purple Hair Says She Had Pink Eyes And A Scar On Her Left Eye.

Oh Let Me Introduce Myself She Said As She Stepped Closer To Me My Names Willow Nice To Meet As She Kept Walking To Me Oh And This Will Be The Last Time You Will Be Seeing Anyone Willow Says,As She Bites Me A Large Bite On My Neck Going Down To My Shoulder I Could Just Feel Blood Spilling Rapidly I Also Ended Spiting Up Blood As Well Which Was Weird,Not Long After I Started Feeling Lightheaded And Then She Stopped And I Fainted And Everything Went Dark For Me,When I Said Someone Kill Me I Didn't Really Mean It I Thought To Myself.

Holly's P.O.V
I Was Walking Though The Forest That's When I Saw A Vampire Attack A Young Boy Not Just Any Vampire It Was A Traditional Vampire Also It Was A Vampire/Witch Hybrid Also It Was Willow We Used To Be Childhood Friends That's Untill She Got All Full Of Herself.

And Decided To Bully Me And We Fell Out And Became Enemies We,She Didn't Notice Me So I Just Used My Telekinesis To Lift Her Up She Didn't Know What Was Going On Untill I Walked Out Of The Shadows Of The Forest, Oh Holly If It Isn't Ms.Goody Goody Willow Said And If It Isn't Ms.Evil Evil I Said I Didn't Wanna Talk And I Made A Promise To Kill Her Next Time I Saw Her.

So I Just Ripped Her Heart Out,Snapped Her Neck And Ripped Her Head Off And Threw Her Body Into The Ocean,I Didn't Really Care At This Point I Looked At The Boy,He Had A Pulse And A Heart Beat Going 2 Seconds Per Hour He Wasn't Fully Dead Yet,So I Just Dragged Her Him To My Place To Heal Him Up.

Once I Got To My Little Cabin I Put The Boy On The Bed He's A Wolf I'm A Witch I Could Feel It,I Didn't Know If I Could Do Much I Decided To Use My Powers To Heal Him I Hope He Will Be Ok I Thought As I Closed My Eyes,And Opened The Again He's Pregnant Now I Really Hoped He Would Be Ok Now No One Would Know But Like I Said I'm A Witch I Have Ways Of Knowing.

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