Bella Gives Birth

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Jacob's P.O.V
Today Was The Day Well 20 Minutes Ago It Was,Because Bella Hadn't Given Birth To Twins I Didn't Know There Names Because She Wouldn't Tell Me Anything I Was Outside Ok Now I Was Crying Because I Mean Bella Was My Childhood Bestfriend Before And She Wasn't And Just Seeing Someone You Grew Up With Thoughout Childhood Die It Still Hurts You.

Besides Now I Really Really Really Knew I Could Never Be With Edward And This Also Made My Heart Break As Well Stupid Imprinting I Thought To Myself,I Was Crying Bad I Needed To Talk To Someone And Since I Was Like Staying With The Cullens For A While I Knew Who To Talk To Rose So I Got Up And Made My Way Towards The House To Find Her.

I Finally Find Her In The Nursery With The Twins So I Make Mmy Way To Sit By Her,Hey Jacob What's Wrong Rosalie Says,You Know The Imprint And Everything And Seeing My Childhood "Bestfriend" Died Kinda Hurting Right Now I Say,Oh I'm So Sorry I Think You Should Just Tell Edward About It Rosalie Says,No No I Can't Do That Not Now, Now That's Everything's Happened I Say,Well Maybe Seeing The Twins Will Help You Feel Better Rosalie Says And Hands Me The Twins.

Rosalie Noelle And Naomi Wannad Mama There Words Not Mine Emmett Says,Rosalie Laughs And Walks Over To Her Husband And Her Daughter's, I'm Sitting In The Chair Holding The Twins There Both Girls And Look Beautiful They Stare Back Up At Me And At That Moment I Knew I Had Parental Imprinted On Bella's And Edward's Children Just My Luck Another Reason For Bella To Hate Me I Think To Myself.

I Knew I Did Because Yes My Wolf Still Had That Imprint On Edward But Now Since I Parental Imprinted On These Girls That Makes The Soulmate Imprint Second Place To The Parental Imprint Now The Girls Were My Number One Prority,And I Would Do Anything To Protect Them This Also Ment That The Wolf Gene Now Passed On To Them So They Were Now Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid's What Kind Of Life Does Fate Have Planned Out For Me I Thought.

Just Then I Got Out Of My Thoughts As I Heard Rosalie Calling My Name,Jacob You Ok Rose Asked,Um I Uh- Rose I Parental Imprinted On The Girls I Say,Really Well Danm What's That First Rose Says,After I Explained What Parental Imprinting Is Rose Looked Amazed So Did Naomi And Noelle Even Though They Probably Didn't Understand,So There Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid's Now Rosalie Says,Yep I Say,To Me It Seems Like Fate Wants You To Take Over Bella's Life Or Something Rosalie Says.

Oh God I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick,Did I Say Something Wrong Sorry Rosalie Says,No I Think I'm Actually Gonna Be Sick I Say As I Put The Twins In There Cribs,Oh Btw There Names Are Renasmee Elizabeth And Annemarie Caydence Rosalie Says,Ok I Say And Head Out To The Bathroom.

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