Cheating Bella

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3 Days Later,Edward's P.O.V
I Was In The Living Room I Was Watching Jacob Play With The Girls Once Again I Don't Know Why I Have Been So Fixed On Jacob Lately It's Not Just Now It Was Like 1 Week After We Sleept Together That I Started Feeling Like This But I Pushed It Aside Because I Loved Bella...Right.

Bella Has Changed I Don't Know What Happened She Barely Spends Time With The Kids Anymore And She's Always Going Out And She Barely Spends Time With Me,Hey Edward I'm Going Out I'll Be Back Later Bella Says And Kisses My Cheek And Walks Out Of The House,Like Always I Think To Myself.

Hey Are You Girls Hungry I Ask,Yes! They Both Say Immediately,What About You Jacob You Hungry,Um Sure I Suppose I'll Take Some Pasta Jacob Says,So With That I Head To The Kitchen And Start Kitchen After 3 Hours I Finish Cooking It,Hey You Guys Food Is Ready I Say.

Later That Night Nessie's P.O.V
Mommy Finally Comes Back Home And Me And Annie Are Up Waiting For Her To Ask Questions Again,Hey Mommy We Say As She Comes Upstairs,She Then Walks Into Our Room,What Are You Two Doing Up She Says,Better Question Why Are You Still Cheating On Daddy Annie Says,Ya He Did Nothing To You And Your Married Mommy Why Are You Hurting Daddy I Ask.

I Guess She Got Mad At Us For Asking This Again For The 3rd Time And Hit Us,That's My Business You Ungrateful Little Brats Stay Out Of This She Screams At Us,We Just Wanna Know Why Annie Says,Ya Daddy Loves You Why Would You Cheat On Him,She Then Hits Us Again I Think We're Just Making Her Mire Mad But We Don't Care At This Point.

Jacob's P.O.V
Everyone Was Downstairs Watching A Movie I Was Texting The Pack On The GroupChat We Have,Embry And Quil Were Getting Yelled At By Leah Though Text And I Was Here For It,Then I Heard Something That Caught My Attention,And I Texted The GroupChat I Will Text Them Later And Closed My Phone.

I Walked Towards The Girls Room They Were Yelling At Bella They Looked Like They Were Hurt Or Something And Bella Was Mad Something About Bella Cheating On Edward Why Would She Cheat On Edward I Thought To Myself I Then Saw Bella Hit The Girls And They Started Coughing Up Blood This Just Made Me Mad So I Had To Say Something To Stop Her.

BELLA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING! I Yelled MIND YOUR BUSINESS MUTR I'M TEACHING THESE LITTLE BRATS TO RESPECT ME! She Yelled At Me As She Was Gonna Hit The Girls Again, So I Attacked Her And She Attacked Me And Then I Pinned Her To The Wall And Threw Her Against The Wall And Then Grabbed Her And Then Threw Her Downstairs I Could Tell She Was Angry But I Was Even More Angry And I Walked Downstairs And Grabbed Her Once Again And Pinned Her To The Wall Once Again.

What The Hell Is Happening Emmett Ask,I Have No Idea Rosalie Says,Jacob What Are You Doing Edward Said,What's Going On Carlisle Says,I Can't Even Use My Gift For This,This Is Something That Just Something Else Jasper Says,L-Let M-Me Go You Mutt! Bella Yells At Me,What's Going On Esme Says,Go On Tell Them Bella, No! Bella Says,My Hand Tightens Even More And You Could Hear Bones Break.

Fine Fine Let Me Go Bella Says,I Let Her Go And Keep Glaring At Her,I'm Cheating On You Edward But That's Your Fault Not Mine Bella Says,Holy Shit Alice Says,W-What Bella W-Why Edward Says,Can You Blame Me You Act Distant From Me Like I Said This Is Your Fault Bella Says,Bella But We're Married Edward Says,I Don't Care About This Stupid Ring Or You Or Those Children Up There.

She Also Hit Annie And Nessie Untill They Coughed Up Blood I Say,What The Fuck Is Wrong With You Edward Yelled, What The Fuck Bella Carlisle Yelled, I Knew You Were A Bitch But Wow This Is Low Rosalie Says,I Teleport To The Girls Room I Swear I'm So Over Her Right Now.

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