Telling The Pack Yet Again

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The Next Day,Jacob's P.O.V
I Been At The Cullens For 2 Days Already I Had To Get Back To The Pack Now Even Though I Didn't Want To,Yep This Is Me Now About 7 Weeks Ago Or Something You Wouldn't Catch Me Dead Near A Cullen But Here I Am Now Wanting To Spend Time Over There.

I Was In Wolf Form Because I Had A Lot To Think About And I Liked It The Air,And All Of It Just Something About It Made You Feel At Peace Atlest For Me It Did,When I Make It To The Pack House I Turn Back Into Human And Knock On The Door And Emily Opens The Door Jacob Hey Emily Says And Hugs Me,Come In Come In I Made Some Food Emily Says As I Walk In.

Jacob! Your Here Seth Says And Hugs Me,Hey Guys I Say,So Tell Us Everything About This Week Holly And Leah Says,I'm Glad To See You Back Jacob Sam Says,Ya About That I Need To Tell You Guys Something I Say,Oh God What Is It This Time Embry Says,Well Um I Became Friends With The Cullens I Say,Say What Now Jared Says,I Look At Jared And Glare At Him,I Mean Congratulations Man Jared Says,Is That All Sam Says,No I-,What Else Happened Quil Says,Well You S-,Come On Don't Leave Us In The Dark Embry Say,Well I-,Jake Just Tell Us Paul Says.

Shut Up And Let Me Talk Danmit I Say,Ok Ok Embry Says,Yes Sir Sam And Paul Say,Everyone Else Just Stays Quiet,Ok Like I Was Saying I Became Friends With The Cullens, Me And Bella Are No Longer Friends And Will Never Be Again, Rosalie And Emmett Adopted Two Twin Girls Who Are Alien/Goddess Hybrid's, They Made Me The Godfather Of The Twin Girls,Bella Gave Birth To Twins Two Girls Who I Ended Up Parental Imprinted On I Say.

Well Danm That's Wow Jared Says,I Don't Know What To Say To The Embry And Quil Say,Congratulations Jacob Seth Says, Um So I Guess Fate Is Just Letting You Take Bella's Whole Life Or Something Paul Says,That's What Rosalie Said As Well But I Don't Know I Say,Um Jacob Are You Still Feeling Sick Leah Says,Yes I'm Still Feeling Sick I Don't Know Why It's Weird I Say,And You Haven't Gone To The Doctors And You Have Been Sick For What Like 7 Days.

I Think It's A Stomach Virus Or Something,Jacob Go To The Doctors Or I Will Drag You There Myself Emily Says,Ok Ok I'm Going I'm Going Jeez I Say,Let Me Tell My Dad First,No Need Jake I Already Know My Dad Says From The Doorway, Dad I Didn't See You Hey,You Should Have Gone To The Doctors Sooner And Told Me You Were Feeling Sick,I Know I Know But I Legit Thought It Was From My Imprint And A Stomach Virus I Say,Just Go My Dad Says.

Fine Fine Whatever I Say,I Leave The Pack House,After 20 Minutes I Arrive To The Doctors Office I Didn't Make An Appointment So I Have To Wait Until I Get Called,After 3 Hours Of Waiting I Get Called To See A Doctor,You Must Be Jacob Black My Name Is Doctor Kimberly But Call Me Kim She Says So What Seems To Be The Problem She Says.

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