Twins Telling The Truth

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3 Days Later, Jacob's P.O.V
I Was Hangingout With Renasmee And Annemarie In The Room Drawing As Everyone Else Was Who Knows Where,Hey Jacob Me And Renasmee Have Decided Something Ann Says,And What Is That I Ask.

We're Gonna Tell Daddy The Truth And You Can't Change Our Minds Renasmee Says,So I Can't Change Your Minds I Say A Little Worried, Nope Ann Says,Ok Well Atlest Can I Get 5 Minutes To You Know Run I Ask,Um Ok But Daddy Will Find You So It's Your Choice Renasmee Says,I Know I Know He Will I Just Don't Wanna Face Him When You Guys Tell Him.

Fine 5 Minutes No More No Less Annie Says, You Guys Are Some Smart 3 Year Olds I Say,We're Werewolf/Vampire Hybrid's Duh Renasmee Says,Well I Should Get Going You Know Time Is Ticking I Say And Stand Up I'll Probably See You Guys Later I Say,Ok Later Jake.

Renasmee's P.O.V
Like We Promised We Waited Five Minutes And Now Time Was Up,Hey Nessie Let's Tell Daddy Now Annie Said,Okie Come On I Say As I Grab Annie's Hand And We Head Downstairs To The Living Room To See Everyone Else Sitting Around Minus Jacob.

Hey Girls How You Doing Today Daddy Says,We're Good Dad I Say,Ya We Made Some Drawings And It Was Super Fun Annie Says,You Girls Look Like You Wanna Tell Us Something Carlisle Says,We Do It's About Jacob Annie Says,Shit Rosalie Says,Rosalie The Kids Remember Emmett Says, Oh Sorry Naomi And Noelle Don't Repeat What Mommy Just Said Rosalie Says,Kay Kay Mommy Naomi Says,Okie Mommy Noelle.

Anyways What's This About Alice Says,The Truth What Jacob Didn't Wanna Tell You Guys Well Mostly Our Daddy I Say,Tell Me What Edward Says,Are You Guys Sure About This,Rosalie You Know What There Talking About Esme Says,She Probably Knows Some But Not All Of It Annie Says.

Ok So What Is This Truth About Jasper Ask,Well Um Don't Say Anything Untill We're Done Ok I Say,Ok Alice Says,So Jacob Imprinted On Dad,He Also Parental Imprinted On Us So We're Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid's Annie Says,Ok First What's Imprinting And Parental Imprinting Emmett Says,Imprinting Is When A Werewolf Imprints On Someone And Now It's Like There Entire World Revolves Around That Person They Basically Found There Soulmate Rosalie Says.

Is That Why I Wasn't Feeling So Loving Towards Bella Because Jacob Imprinted On Me Edward Says,Ok Ok But What Is Parental Imprinting Alice Ask,Parental Imprinting Is Basically When A Werewolf Imprints On Children That Aren't Biological There Though Birth But With The Parental Imprint The Wolfs Blood And DNA Is Now Part Of The Child They Also Inherit The Wolf Gene As Well And If That Child Biological Parent Or Something Abandons That Child The Child Is Now The Wolfs Biological And Legal Child Rose Says.

Is That Why You Guys Got Along Better With Jacob Carlisle, Could Be That,Could Be That Bella Was A Shitty Mom Could Be Both Honestly Esme Says,Anyways When Jacob Imprinted On Edward, And Edward Was With Bella It Hurts The Wolf And They Can Die From A Broken Heart But Since Jacob Imprinted On The Twins Renasmee And Annemarie They Became #1 Prority And Edward Was Second So He Was No Longer Heartbroken That Much Since He Had Children To Look After Rosalie Says.

I Don't Know What To Say Jasper Says,How Did This All Happen Alice Says,Edward Looks Up And Answers,Well 1 Month And 2 Weeks Ago We Slept With EachOther When Me And Bella Were On Our Little Break Up Edward Says,Ok I Didn't Know That Rosalie Says,Um Congratulations Bro Emmett Says,Oh Ya And We're Gonna Be Big Sisters Annemarie Says,What Edward Says,Jacob's Pregnant With Your Babies Dad About 1 Month And 2 Weeks I Say,Well Danm Didn't See That One Alice Says,And He Didn't Tell Me Danm I Feel Betrayed Rosalie Says.

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