Worse Day Ever

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Jacob's P.O.V
It Was 8:30P.M And I Was Just Sitting At The Beach Near The Woods I Didn't Know What To Do I Didn't Wanna Go Home And I Didn't Wanna Go To The Pack Either I Smelt Like Woods,vanilla cinnamon And Oak I Smelled Good But I Knew The Pack Would Smell Vampire On Me Another Pro Or Con Of Imprinting.

I Didn't Shift Into A Wolf At All This Day Because I Didn't Want My Pack Mates To Know What Was Going On In My Head,Now I Didn't Know I Was Crying Till Tears Started Falling Onto The Sand I Was Away From My Imprint Which Hurt Like A Son Of A Bitch I Was Sad,My Wolf Was Sad,And Everything Was Just All Fucked Up.

When Could I Ever Face Bella Again I Slept With Her Ex Boyfriend On Top Of That How Was I Gonna Face My Pack Again I Couldn't I Had Imprinted On A Vampire, I Had Slept With A Vampire For God Sake I Couldn't I Just Felt So Dirty With Myself,Can Someone Or Something Just Come Kill Me Now.

Bella's P.O.V
I Was Laying In My Bed Just Stareing At The Celing I Missed Edward More Then Anything But I Knew This Break Up Was Good For Us I Wannad Edward And Jacob To Get Along Even Though I Knew It Would Have To Be A Friged Day In Hell For Those To Ever Get Along.

I Grabbed My Phone And Texted Edward Yes Ok I Was Desperate As I Was Texting Edward I Wannad To Ask Him If We Could Get Back Together,That I Knew That Him And Jacob Would Never Get Along And That,That Was Fine With Me Just As Long As We Had Each Other Nothing Else Mattered At All.

But I Kept Myself From Saying All That Not Because I Didn't Want Edward To Know That He Had Fully Won My Heart Because I'm Sure He Already Knew That And I Had No Problem Saying All Of That But I Didn't Because I Didn't Wanna Sound To Desperate Especially Since It Was My Idea To Break Up In The First Place.

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