Rosalie&Emmett Adoption

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The Next Day,Rosalie's P.O.V
I Was In The Living Room Reading A Book Standing Up When I Felt Arms Around My Waist And Someone Kiss Me On The Cheek,GoodMoring Emmett I Say Kissing Him,GoodMoring Beautiful What You Reading,A Romance Novel I Say As I Put My Book Down.

Hey Emmett What Do You Think About Adoption I Ask,Adoption Of Like A Baby Emmett Says,Uh Ya A Baby You Know How I Always Wannad A Baby And A Family So I Thought I Say But Then Get Cut Of By Emmett Hugging Me Off The Ground And Spinning Me Around,I Would Love That Emmett Says,I Would Love To Have A Child With You Rose.

That's Great News And Actually Jake Gave Me The Idea And I Thought About It And I Was Like He's Right We Could Take Care Of A Baby,Well I Have To Thank Jacob For That Idea Emmett Says,Just Then We Hear A Knock At The Door And Then Silence,What Was That I Say,Well Let's Go Check Emmett Says And Vamp Speeds To The Front Door,I Vamp Speed To The Door Next To Emmett And Stand There.

Uh Rosalie Are You Seeing What I'm Seeing Emmett Says,I Sure Emmett I Sure Am I Say,The Babies Then Start To Cry And I Pick Both Babies Up And Cuddle Them Both,While Emmett Picks Up The Note From The Basket And Reads It Outloud, "Dear Loving Family Or Whoever This May Be I Hope You Are Looking These Are My Daughters Naomi And Noelle They Aren't Human They Are Alien/Goddess Hybrid's They Are 5 Months Old I Can't Take Care Of Them Anymore Actually If Your Probably Reading This Means I'm Already Dead So I Leave Them In Your Care And Ask For You To Love Them As If They Were You're Own" Emmett Reads.

Emmett Let's Adopt Them And I Mean They Aren't Human So Them Living Around Vampires Really Won't Be A Problem I Say,Heck Let's Do This Looks Like A Goddess Answered Our Prayers To Have A Baby Well Twin Girls Emmett Says I'm Happy To Be A Dad Actually This Is Gonna Be Fun Emmett Says,The Two Look Up And Stare At Me And Emmett,Here Emmett I Say Handing Emmett Noelle As I Hold Naomi Tight But Not Too Tight And Emmett Is Cooing At Noelle.

We're Now In The Living Room Sitting On The Couch With The Babies As They Are Sleeping,What Is Happening Here A Voice Says From Behind Us,Oh GoodMoring Jacob I Say,Morning Jake Oh And Thanks For The Idea You Gave Rosalie Emmett Says,No Problem Emmett Now What Is Going On Here,Believe It Or Not They Were Left By The Front Door With A Note Saying There Mother Had Died I Say,So Supernatural Or Human Jake Says.

Alien/Goddess Hybrid's Emmett Says,Well I'll Be Danmed Jacob Says,Jake You Don't Look So You Know Well Rested,Well I Spent The Night Throwing Up When I Wasn't Sleep So Ya There's That Jacob Says,You Sick Bro Jasper Says From Behind Us,Holy Shit Jacob Says,Hey Jasper I Say,Hey Rose Hey Emmett, Morning Jaz Emmett Says,After A While Everyone Is In The Living Room Asking About The Babies And So We Told Them.

Congratulations Rose Esme Says,I Know You've Always Wannad To Be A Mother Jasper Says And Emmett You Will Be A Awesome Father Jasper Adds, So They're Alien/Goddess Hybrid's Carlisle Says,Yep I Say,It's Really No Big Deal She Just Adopted Them Bella Says,Bella That's Not Nice Alice Says,Mood Swings It's Probably Mood Swings Edward Says,Anyways Jacob I Have A Question For You I Say,Ok What Is It Jacob Says.

Jacob's P.O.V
Will You Be The Godfather To My Daughters Naomi And Noelle Rosalie Ask,I Um Wow Uh Sure I Says If That's OK With You Guys Sure,Of Course That's Why I Asked Rosalie Says,Ya Dude That's Totally Fine I Think You Would Make An Amazing Godfather Emmett Says,Ugh Why Does Everything Have To Be About Him Bella Says,Alice Just Moves Over Too Way I'm At Near Rosalie And Emmett And Jasper Does The Same Thing,She Is Crazy Jasper And Alice Whisper To Me,Believe Me I Know I Whisper Back

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