Telling Everyone

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Jacob's P.O.V
We Should Head Back To The House Rosalie Says,Um I Think I'm Gonna Go To The Pack House I Really Don't Wanna See Bella Right Now I Say,Oh Come On Jake Don't Worry About Her Come Back To The House For Me Or Something I Guess Or Just To Make Bella Mad.

I Mean That Would Be Nice To See If I Do Say So Myself And I Could Tell Them About Me Being A Tribrid And Steal All The Attention From Bella I Say,What About Telling Them About The Imprint Rosalie Says,I'm Not Ready To Tell Them About That Maybe Never I Will Most Likely Take That To My Grave I Rather Suffer In Silence I Say,I Mean It's Your Choice.

Hey Rosalie Can You Make Me A Blood Stawberry Milkshake When We Get To Your House,Sure But Why A Blood Stawberry Milkshake, Because Stawberry Is The Closer To Blood That No One Would Think Is Blood Other Then Pomegranates And Beets I Say,Oooo~ That's Smart Rosalie Says,I Know I Say As We Get Back To The House.

We Head Upstairs When We Get Inside And See Everyone Comforting Bella,What Are You Doing Back Here Bella Yells At Me I Thought You Left,I Brought Him With Me Rosalie Says,Why? Why Would You Bring Him With You Rosalie Bella Says,Because She Can She Doesn't Have To Listen To You I Say,Can Someone Please Get Him Out Of Here Bella Says.

And Here You Go Again Classic Bella When Something Dosen't Go Your Way Everyone And Everything Has To Revolve Around You Just Look At You Acting Like You Got All The Cullens Warpped Around Your Fingers I Say,Jacob Can You Shut The Hell Up Bella Yells At Me,I Just Sit Down On The Chair And Look At Her,Well Anyways Jacob Here Wants To Tell You Guys Something Rosalie Says In The Meantime I'm Gonna Go Make Him A Drink.

Well What Is It Jacob Emmett Says,Well Um I'm A Tribrid I Say Rubbing My Neck Nervously, A What? Jasper Says,But How Those Are Rare To Come Across Carlisle Says,What Is A Tribrid Carlisle Edward Says,I Blush A Bit One Because I'm Nervous And Because Edward Is Here I'm Also Feeling Nauseous Again So Ya There's That,A Tribrid Is A Werewolf, Vampire And Witch Carlisle Says,How Did That Even Happen Esme Ask.

Well Um One Night I Was Out And I Got Attacked By A Vampire/Witch Hybrid Now I Thought I Was Gonna Die But Lucky A Witch Named Holly Saved Me Now Vampire Venom Is Poisonous To A Werewolf But I Guess I'm The Exception Or Something I Say,So The Venom Ended Up Changing Me I Say,That Vampire Should Have Killed You Bella Says,Bella! Alice And Esme Say,Whoa Whoa Chill Out There Jasper Says.

I Just Sit There Trying To Look Anyone And Everywhere But Her,Jacob Here Is You Stawberry Milkshake Rosalie Says Giving Me My Milkshake,Thanks Rosalie I Say,Your Welcome Rosalie Says,When Were You Two Such Good Friends Bella Ask,Why Do You Care We Don't Have To Tell You I Say,I Am As Much Part Of This Family As Everyone And I Am Married To Edward You On The Other Hand Are Not Part Of This Family So I Deserve To Know Bella Says,Bella Sweetheart Calm Down Edward Says.

Bella Sits Down On The Couch Glaring At Me,At That Point I Felt My Heart Break Even More,Imprinting In The Romantic Way Sucks Ass I Think To Myself, Hey Jake Wanna Sleepover Rosalie Ask Me,Sure Rose I'll Sleepover I Say,What No You Can't Do That Bella Yells,I Can Do Whatever I Want I Yell Back.

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