Friendship FallOut

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Rosalie's P.O.V
Jacob Went Downstairs And Shut The Front Door And Bella Sat On The Couch Angry,Well Danm That's Not How I Saw Things Going Emmett Says,I Didn't See This Coming Literally I Didn't Alice Says,Bella Are You Sure This Is What You Want Esme Said,Yes I'm Sure I Never Liked Him Anyways Bella Yells.

Ok I Hate The Guy Well I Mean I Hate All Mutts But I'm Just Feeling Bad For Him,I'll Be Back I Tell Everyone,Don't Tell Me Your Gonna Go Make Sure He's Ok If Anyone Should Be Mad It Should Be Me Bella Says,Bella Hunny You Don't Seem Sad But You Are Definitely Mad Edward Says,Edward Shut Up Bella Yells.

I Just Ignore Her Not Gonna Lie I Was Just In This For The Baby To Me Bella Has Always Been A Bitch Well I Guess Not A Bitch But I Never Really Liked Her So I Just Vamp Speed Outside Closing The Door On My Way Out, It Doesn't Take Me Long To Find Jacob He Was Somewhere In The Forest Crying And My Non-existent Heart Felt For Him In That Moment.

What Do You Want Rosalie Jacob Says Not Looking At Me,None Of Your Business I Say I Didn't Want Him To Know That I Cared About Him Or What Was Going On And That I Was Still A Blonde Bitch I Didn't Want Him To See Me Soften Up Well Atlest Not Yet,He Was Right Because I Could See It In The Living Room On Everyone's Face Once Bella Wasn't Happy With Something Everything And Everyone Revolved Around Her,I Mean Hell I Noticed It At The Very Beginning Shen Edward First Brought Her To Meet Us.

Jacob's P.O.V
I Didn't Know Why Rosalie Was Here And When I Asked And She Didn't Tell Me I Was Pissed,I Don't Know Why This Pissed Me Off Some Much But My Emotions Were Just A Rollercoaster Lately I Was Still Crying And With My Power Of Levitation I Just Started Levitateing Rocks And Throwing Them At Her.

Since She Was A Vampire She Was Dodging Them Her Mouth Was Moving However I Heard Nothing Of What she Was Saying Because I Just Couldn't I Was Just So Mad And Then I Was Just Sad Again And Fell On The Ground Crying,Why Am I So Emotional Jesus Christ,As I Kept Crying Rosalie Came To Sit Next To Me.

Ok So We're Gonna Talk About What That Was Later Rosalie Says,I Just Came To See How You Were Rosalie Says,Why Do You Care I Say,Whoa And I Thought I Was The Bitch Here Rosalie Says,I Chuckle A Bit At That,Ok Ok We're Getting Somewhere Rosalie Says,Why Are You Out Here And Why Did You Wanna Check On Me I Say,Because I Get What You Mean Whenever Bella Is Not Happy Or Is Sad Everyone And Everything Has To Revolve Around Her I Say.

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