Pregnancy Panic

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1 Week Later,Jacob's P.O.V
It's Been 1 Week And I've Been Sick This Whole Week I Been Feeling Nauseous, My Vision Would Get Blurry And I Would Faint At Times I Started To Feel Cold At Like All Times,And I Was Drinking More Blood Then Usual As Well.

Now I Didn't Tell Edward About The Imprint Or Anyone About Me Being A Tribrid Except For My Pack Mates,My Dad And Of Course Holly,I Was Sitting On The Couch And Seth Was Sitting Next To Me Keeping Me Warm And Because He Liked Cuddles,Jacob Are You Still Feeling Cold Seth Says,Ya I Don't Know Why Tho,Maybe It's Part Of Being A Tribrid Paul Says,He's Been Nauseous, Feeling Lightheaded, His Vision Gets, He Faints At Times And He Eats More And Drinks More Blood Is That Also Part Of Being A Tribrid Paul Quil Says.

It's Probably Just A Stomach Virus Or Bug That Has Been Going On For A Week Embry Says,Well What Kind Of Stomach Bug Is This Because It Sucks And I'm Sure Jacob Feels That Way As Well Leah Says,Of Course This Sucks I Don't Wanna Be Sick Like This I Say And Throwing Up Is Overrated I Say As I Walk Towards The Kitchen Area To Grab A Apple.

I Then Throw Up In The Sink While I'm Throwing Up I Hear My Phone Beep,Want Me To Answer It Jacob Holly Says To Me As Leah Is Rubbing My Back,Sure Holly I Say Then Throw Up Again In The Sink As Holly Reads The Text Outloud,I Mean This Could Also Be Happening Because Your Not With Your Imprint Jacob Jared Says,Ya Your Probably Heartbroken Because Your Imprint Married Bella Paul Says As He Chuckles A Bit.

I Just Start Crying At This Point Because I Mean He Was Right I Was Heartbroken That They Had Gotten Married And I Was Feeling Sick And Have Been For This Whole Week,Paul You Asshole Leah And Emily Say Hugging Me,Paul What The Fuck Sam Says Hitting Paul On The Back Of The Head,Jacob Don't Listen To Paul He's A Dick Quil And Embry Say,Um Anyways It's From Bella She Wants To See You She Said She's Sick At The Cullens Holly Says.

After 5 Minutes I Stop Crying,Alright I'm Gonna Go See Bella I Say Standing Up A Little To Fast,Are You Sure You Wanna Go By Yourself Emily Says,Ya I'll Be Fine I Say As I Grab My Jacket And Walk Out Of The House,40 Minutes Later I'm At The Front Door Of The Cullens Household And Carlisle Opens The Door For Me,Jacob Welcome Carlisle Says,Um Hey So Where Is Bella I Ask.

Jake I Hear From Upstairs,How Long Has She Been Here I Ask,They Came Back 2 Weeks Ago Carlisle Tells Me,I Head Upstairs And See Everyone In The Living Room,Bella I Say As I Walk Close To Her,That's Close Enough Rosalie Says As She Blocks Bella,Rose It's Ok Bella Says And Rose Backs Off,I Sit Down On The Couch By Bella,You Look Terrible I Say To Bella As A Chuckle To Her,Ha Have You Looked In The Mirror Bella Tells Me With A Laugh.

You Gonna Tell Me What's Wrong Now I Ask,Bella Then Looks At Rose Wanna Help Me Up Rose,Bella Gets Up I Get Up As Well And See Her Pregnant,I Glare At Edward You Did This I Say Angry,But Inside I'm Both Angry And Crying I Never Wannad To Kill My Imprint More Then I Did Now But I Felt Betrayed And My Wolf And Heart Broke About 20 Times In One Go But I Had To Stay Cool.

I Had No Idea This Would Happen Jacob Edward Says To Me,So What Now We Have To Do Something I Say,Let's Not Argue It's Not Good For Bella Esme Says,The Festus Isn't Good For Bella Alice Says,Baby Alice It's Just A Little Baby Rosalie Says,A Baby That's Killing My Bestfriend From The Inside I Say.

Jacob I Already Decided I'm Keeping It Bella Says,Bells You Can't Be Serious Right Now I Say,Well She Is Dog Rosalie Says,I Start Laughing This Has To Be A Sick Joke Or Something Right I Think To Myself,I Don't See What's So Funny Bella Says Glaring At Me,Well Shit Is About To Go Down Jasper Says,And I Ain't Even Have To Do Anything Emmett Says.

Look Bella I Know That You May Be Hypnosised By Edward's Vampire Dick In All But You Need To Look At This With Some Logic This Could Kill You I Say,Oh God Alice Says,Emmett And Jasper Start Laughing At This Point,Wishing I Was Anywhere But Here Carlisle Says,You And Me Both Love Esme Says,First Jacob How Fucking Dare You,You Do Not Get To Decide My Life For Me Bella Says In Anger,I'm Not A Baby I Don't Need You Telling Me What To Do Bella Yells.

Your Acting Like One And All The Choices You Have Made Say Otherwise I Yell Back,Jacob This Is My Life I Can Do What I Want And I'm Keeping This Baby,Go For It Then Die For All I Care I'm Done Trying To Save You Bella I Yell,Good I Don't Need You To Save Me From This,This Is My Choice And I'm Sticking By It Bella Yells At Me,You Know I Don't Even Understand Why I Was Your Friend In The First Place It's Always If Bella Isn't Happy Everything And Everyone Has To Revolve Around Her I Yell,Then Maybe Don't Be My Friend We Were Only Friends Because Of Our Parents! Bella Yells, Fine Then That Works For Me! I Yell Back.

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