A New Friendship Blossoming

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Rosalie's P.O.V
It Hurts Rosalie, It Really Hurts Jacob Says, I Know How It Is Losing A Childhood Bestfriend I Say,No Rosalie Not That Jacob Says,What Do You Mean Then I Say,Jacob Starts Crying Again I Imprinted On Your Brother Rosalie Jacob Says.

Wait What!? Which Brother I Ask,Edward Jacob Says,Ok Um What Does Imprinting Even Mean I Ask,Jacob Wippes Away Some Tears Before Telling Me,Imprint Is Something A Wolf Does It's When The Wolf Locks Eyes With Someone And That Person Becomes Like The Wholes Wolf World The Wolf Starts To Have Feelings For That Person And They Will Be Anything That Person Wants No Matter It Be A Friend/Guardian Or Brother Or Sister Depending On The Wolf It Usely Means Mates But That's Not Always The Case Us Wolves We Have Two Types Of Imprints The 1st Is The Soulmate Imprinting Like I Explained Is The Parental Imprint Jacob Says.

And You Imprinted On Edward The Same Edward That Is Bella's Now Husband The Same Edward That Got Bella Pregnant,My Brother Edward Cullen I Say,Yes How Many Other Edward's Do You Know Jacob Says,Oh Right Ya Sorry Well Anyways Can You Tell About What Happened When You Were Magically Throwing Rocks At Me I Say,Oh Ya I'm A Tribrid Now Surprise Jacob Says,A Tribrid Like A Actual Tribrid I Thought Vampire Venom Was Deadly To Werewolves I Say.

Well I Guess I'm A Lucky Case Jacob Says,If It Helps I've Always Hated Bella I Say Smiling,Oh Really I Didn't Know With You Being Such A Body Gaurd Towards Her I Say,I Do It For The Baby Nothing Else The Thing Is I've Always Wannad A Baby You Know When I Was Human But Now That I'm What I Am That Is Never Gonna Happen I Say,Why Don't You And Emmett Just Adopt One I Mean You Are Like The Only One In Your Family Who Has Super-Selfcontrol And Have Never Had Human Blood And I Feel Like Emmett Would Be Good With Kids I Say.

Ya That's A Good Idea But I Don't Want Just Any Baby If It's A Human Baby I Don't Know How My Family Would React I Say,Do You Honestly Care What They Think Rosalie Jacob Ask,Well Not Really But What About Emmett What Will He Think I Ask,Emmett Is A Total Simp He Will Do Anything For You And To Make You Happy Jacob Says,I Mean Ya He Would And I Mean He Is Kinda Scared Of Me Ya I Should Adopt A Baby I Say,Ya I Say Go For It I May Not Like You Bloodsuckers But Given That I Am One Now And You Guys Aren't That Bad I'm Not Opposed To You Guys Anymore Jacob Says,Thanks Mutt I Say As We Both Laugh.

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