Making Of A Tribrid P.2

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Holly's P.O.V
The Next Day I Woke Up To Check On The Boy I Still Didn't Know If He Was Gonna Live Or Die At This Point Because Since He Was A Wolf Vampire Venom Is Usely Deadly To Werewolves,But He Still Had A Pulse And I Could Hear His Heart Beat So I Didn't Know Really What Was Going On.

I Decided To Heal Him Yet Again Because The Cut He Had Was Still Big I Mean From His Neck To His Upper Shoulder And Then I Decided To Go Make Breakfast,I'm Still A Little Sad That I Had To Kill Willow But I Didn't Regret It Either I Mean She Was My Childhood Bestfriend Of Course Apart Of Me Would Be Sad I Decided To Drink Some Tea As I Ate Breakfast,Then I Decided To Go To The Forest To Pick Some Herbs.

As I Was Picking Herbs In The Forest I Relized Something Shit He Probably Has Friends And Family Worried About Him I Mean When's The Last Time He Talked To Them Really They Probably Think He's Dead And He Might Be But If Somehow He's Not I Can't Let Them Think He's Dead,After I Finished Picking My Herbs I Walked Back To My Little Cabin.

Once I Made It Back Home I Decided To Check The Boy And Found His Phone On Him His Name Was Jacob Black His Friends Name Was Quil,Embry, Seth,Leah,Sam,Paul And Emily And His Dad Name Is Billy And His Childhood Bestfriend Is Bella And His Chats Were I Mean What You Would Expect From A Teenager.

I Decided To Text His Friends And Dad So They Knew He Was Ok Although I Didn't Know If He Was Gonna Be Ok Myself But That's Something I Had To Deal With I Just Didn't Want Them To Worry Just Yet But They Probably Already Had Been Worrying,I Was Pretty Much Doing A Good Job At Being Jacob Black,They All Were Really Worried About Him.

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