Chapter 2

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As Y/n had shouted this, Origami had then swiftly attempted to restrain him and tried to calm him down. "Shhh. Calm down, you'll be okay..." Origami comforted in a monotonous tone as she patted his head which made him relax and stop flailing his arms. As soon as he calmed down, a black ponytail haired woman whose outfit screamed authority then approached the two. "Ah you're finally awake, you reckless kid." the woman said in a scolding tone as Y/n made a scowling face. 

"My friend was there being threatened, the hell you think I'm supposed to do?" he answered with a rhetorical question as the woman shouted, "YOU SHOULD DEEM YOURSELF LUCKY! YOU ONLY SUFFERED A BROKEN JAW WITH THAT SPIRIT!" which made Y/n flinch and cover his ears as Origami was still unmoving, her arms clinging onto him and wasn't even minding the shouting. 'So that's why I feel a lingering stinging pain. I think I got countered by a upper.' he thought as he realized something which he made him ask this.

"Did it result to glass jaw?" he asked in a concerned tone, as glass jaw meant that his future career as a boxer would be gone. "Luckily, it didn't. However, I would've sent you to Origami's house after if we didn't found... something inside you." the woman answered as Y/n then became serious. "What are the findings you have found? Please, tell me." he asked as he had stood up, and was carrying Origami on his back. 

"Come, follow me." the woman said as the trio had left the facility. As they were at the research office, the woman then stopped, asking about something. "The pendant, when did you get it?" she asked as Y/n then answered that he got it as a gift for winning the inter-high amateur boxing championship. "Any problem you got with it? I'm taking it back if you took it." he told her as Origami then answered, "Lieutenant Kusakabe had found some remnants of Spirit essence inside of it." 

"Yes, and there are some of it inside your body. We want to ask you, Y/n Karasawa, are you a Spirit?" Kusakabe asked as Y/n's face turned into a face of irritation. "And if I am? Are you gonna kill me just because I am different from you?" he asked as his emotional stress caused his body to glow as strength surged through his body. "Calm down. I only asked. Besides, I focus more on the lives of others than killing Spirits." Kusakabe reassured Y/n that he won't be threatened in any form. "I'll trust your word then. I assume your Origami's senior, so I'll try and not cause a scene unless you provoke me." Y/n warned as he then took a seat and asked an important question:

"Now, I need to know what are these so called Spirits. What are they?"  

"Do you want it in the long term or the short term?" Kusakabe asked in a joking tone as Y/n chuckled. "I'll take the short term, thank you very much." he answered as he then sat down on a chair as Kusakabe cleared her throat. "You know about the news about the spacequakes right? After that occurs, there will be those human-like beings with otherworldy strength that appear, such as the one you tried to slug in the face." she described as Y/n had a deadpan face, as if it was telling 'You don't have to tell me I did some reckless shit.' as he then jolted as he realized something.

"We are the Anti-Spirit Team. A task force assigned by the Japan Ground Defense Special Forces to deal with them. I'm the First Lieutenant, Ryouko Kusakabe and Origami here is a member of our organization." Kusakabe said as to confirm Y/n's suspicions. "We are tasked with dealing with Spirits, and we are disclosing this information to you because you will be a great help to us." she declared as Y/n stood up from the chair. 

"Mind you repeat that shit again? My ears must be failing me from what I am hearing." Y/n taunted as if he was instigating a fight as Origami had stopped the two from making a ruckus. "Look, we really need your help. If you are there, then maybe we could-" Kusakabe was then cut off as Y/n gave her an angry look as he said, "Deal with your own problems. Don't think I'll reach out and help you just because you asked me. You're not someone I really respect." 

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