Chapter 11

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The sliding door was violently opened by an excited Y/n who was carrying paperwork while shouting, "Good morning felers!" and plased the paperwork on his desk. Alongside him was Tonomachi who was also carrying a ton of papers. "Oh hey, what's up you two? You seem...pretty happy." Shido asked as he wondered why the two were so happy. 

"Well, we had finally formed a club that can be used as a hangout spot whenever we want to stay at school." Y/n declared which made Shido interested in the concept. "Thus, the club will be named..." Tonomachi added and clapped his hands, as he and Y/n did a choreographed pose and they both announced the name of their club:

"The Past Timers Club!"

'Wait, isn't that something that came out from an anime?' Shido thought to himself as he was deadpan. They spent the morning chatting until the bell rung, signing the start of class. With Origami absent, he had made a devious plan: sleep in class. As Okamine-sensei- also known as Tama-chan- entered the classroom, Y/n's eyes closed shut and ignored was about to snooze off in the whole homeroom class if it weren't for a loud voice voice waking him up.

"Ohhhh! Shido! I have missed you so much!" the voice shouted as Y/n was jolted awake from the voice. Looking around on who the voice was, he found out that the source of the voice was Tohka who is hugging Shido, making the latter the main attraction of attention. Gossips came running about with regards to what relationship they have as Y/n growled.

"If you're going to be lovey-dovey, at least go somewhere private, asshat." Y/n complained as Tohka smugly grinned as she taunted, "Oh? Is somebody jealous their girlfriend is not around?" which was responded with a scoff from Y/n who was now eating cookies. "I mean, it's not like we are a show and tell couple anyway. I like to keep things private." he replied and looked at the window. 

Tohka then focused on Shido, who was now looking like he was downcast. "Oh? What is it Shido? Are you feeling lonely because I was away for a while?" she asked in a loud tone which made Shido's reputation...well, worse. On the other hand, Y/n choked on his food hearing her statement and Tonomachi had to help him dislodge the food. 

Panicking, Shido stammered as he tried to redirect the context back to normal by saying, "T-Tohka, that's-" but was interrupted as Tohka placed her finger on Shido's lips. Removing the finger, she gave Shido a pouty look and uttered out these words:

"Hmph, how cold. Even though yesterday, you were chasing me like crazy?" 

This horrified Shido to the max, especially with how loud Tohka's voice was. Y/n wanted to laugh, but had to drink water as to help himself up. As Shido tried to redirect and correct the context, Tohka's next words had hit the final nail in Shido's coffin:

"Hmf. What misunderstanding? Even though you even took my first-"

With those words said out, Y/n had spat out the water he was drinking right at Tohka's hair. As the class was in such a huge commotion. Grabbing Y/n by his uniform, Tohka shouted, "Hey, what's the big idea?! You just spat water at me!" as the former was irritated. "What the fuck do you mean your first?! At least have some decency or think about the words your saying!" Y/n shouted as both butted their heads. 

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