Chapter 14

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"Y-you scumbag... You really are going to make me rat out where it is?" Y/n spat out as he glared at the Spirit. "Of course... and don't say I don't know how to push your buttons. I know every way to make you scream." she replied, gesturing the clone to get the torch's fire get closer to him. By instinct, he closed his eyes, gritting his teeth as he looked away from it.

"You may be wondering to yourself... How do I know you're afraid of fire? Well, my dear little Y/n, try to remember the day I ambushed you." the Spirit explained, and Y/n was then shocked with what had happened. That day, when he was thinking of a lie to save Tohka and Shido, that was the day when Kurumi had knew everything about him.

That day, when he heard a flintlock pistol that was about to fire, he turned around and hardened his hand in ice, blocking it in the process. However, it only left nothing but a sting on his arm. 'Huh... I thought that it would be much stronger than that.' he thought back then, before seeing a shadow appear on the blackboard, and in it, emerged a multitude of hands that tried grabbing him. Immediately, Y/n let out an outburst of Reiryoku, freezing the hands almost instantaneously.

"It was foolish of you to try and block that. Now, I know every single one of who you know and love... Friends...Family...And your beloved bride-to-be, Tobiichi Origami. Now, if you don't want you and your loved ones to be sent to the afterlife,

DO AS I SAY." the Spirit commanded, pointing her flintlock pistol at Y/n who was paralyzed in fear. There were so many things running through his mind, and the Spirit in front of him was filling his mind with fear. From the fear of fire being near his face that was threatening to burn him, from the threat of his loved ones being killed. To him, it was as if the devil was in front of him, and the said devil was placing fear that was beyond comprehension like a horrible nightmare.

Y/n kept silent for a while, and in his mind, he was in despair. Was there nothing left that he could do but tell her where it was being kept? It was in Origami's possession, and there was no way in hell he would let himself sell out his comrades, especially her. However, he was curious of something, if the Spirit wanted to know something, why can't she just use that bullet she used to gain intel about him.

Y/n asked this, remarking on why would she need to interrogate him instead of firing the bullet. "The bullets I use cost me a lot of time. I can't just waste my resources to constantly know everything about you up to present. Now, tell me where it is..." the Spirit commanded, and her clone placed the burning flames near his left eye.

"Or you will have a matching burn mark alongside Origami."

This was the last straw. As soon as Y/n heard this threat, he laughed crazily. "Oh my... Have you gone mad with fear running in your mind?" the Spirit asked as Y/n stopped laughing, giving her a mocking look. "You know, it is quite funny that you know about me...yet you are too stupid to know how I function... If it's just a burn mark... Then I WILL WEAR IT WITH PRIDE!" Y/n shouted, giving a crazed look as his body glowed, freezing the clones instantaneously as he imprisoned himself in an ice crystal.

"Go ahead then. Shoot me." Y/n taunted before closing his eyes in exhaustion, sleeping calmly amidst the enemy being in front of him. In annoyance, the Spirit prepared to fire her guns and suddenly, the hand that tried to shoot was cut almost instantaneously. The clones looked around on who the intruder was, and their lower bodies were frozen in place as well as their guns.

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