Chapter 5

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"Buzz off. If you're gonna talk about me returning to Raizen, then go home. I don't have anything to discuss with you." Y/n told told the woman as he was about to slam the door shut when he saw that he might hit her foot. "Step aside, damn you. Stop being so persistent." he growled as she kept a stern stare at him. "I'm not going anywhere until I have discussed things with you." she told him without fear as if she isn't afraid to take his punches.

"Just please leave. I do not want to cause trouble right now. My mood is very bad and anything could tick me off at ANY moment." Y/n pleaded as he stressed out how prone he is to getting angry since it was related to returning back to Raizen. As the white haired woman was about to speak, a soft voice called out, saying, "Reine... Please let me handle this. Anything you might say right now may cause trouble." 

Turning around, Reine then saw Yamada, the boxing coach of the club Y/n was formerly in. "O-old man..." Y/n spoke as his voice was filled with regret as soon as he saw his coach. "Happy to see me? I hope you will not close the door on this old man." Yamada told his former student as Y/n then gestured for him to enter, but never allowed Reine to enter. 

As he closed the door, Y/n then offered his coach a seat at the dining area as he then took his student's offer. As Y/n then was about to heat some hot coffee, Yamada then said that he already bought coffee. As Y/n took a seat, he braced himself for a scolding from his coach as he then heard a hearty laugh from him. "Now, now, there's no need to be glum. No one in the school hates you for leaving. We are just... confused of what is the reason why you left. 

It was so weird. You were so enthusiastic back then about boxing. You would train almost everyday and never slacked off. I could feel your joy when you hit the bag, when you hit the mitts, when you train, and especially, when you won each match. I want to ask why, I may ask. You just left without any notice." Yamada asked why Y/n had left the boxing club. "You worked so hard, and then... you just left. Everything you did was laid to waste." he added as Y/n then responded.

"That was it. I feel all my efforts are starting to slip away." 

Y/n's answer then confused Yamada as he wanted a clear explanation. Knowing that this answer was very vague if Y/n made shallow answers to his coach, Y/n then stood up and then told something to the coach. "Coach, whatever I show you here, stays here. Can I trust you with this?" he asked as Yamada nodded. "You have my word, son." he responded as Y/n then closed his eyes as if to say 'Here goes nothing.' and then sighed.

"You said you had a cup of coffee right for me, right? May I get it?" the boy asked as the coach got it from the paper bag and handed the cup of coffee to Y/n. In an instant, an aura of energy then surrounded Y/n's body and for a few seconds, he then placed it on the table. "Please touch the cup now." he asked Yamada who did what he was told to do. In his surprise, the cup felt cold, and he could feel the chill from it.

"Y-Y/n... T-this is-" Yamada was then interrupted as Y/n asked, "Hold on. I know ya don't believe me. Let me ask you this. How many jabs could I throw in a second?" which Yamada answered three. "Watch what I could do now." Y/n told his coach as he then threw ten jabs in a mere second which shocked the coach. 

"I know this sounds unbelievable, but yeah, my body is changing into something powerful and otherworldly that all the efforts I put into training is laid to waste. I already hated my talent of speed and agility and now there's this cursed thing. Everything I've put my effort for is gone coach! I started to box because I feel like I could prove myself to the world that I can work hard...Then this crap started to throw it all away!" Y/n explained as to why he had quitted and disdained the power he had obtained. He showed his bottled up emotions: anger, sadness, hate, and guilt- and then knelt down, performing a Dogeza to Yamada.

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