Chapter 7

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The Spirit then looked at Shido with wary eyes as she then dropped her fighting stance. "Alright then. I'll take your word for it. You better not attempt anything sketchy, or else he gets it." she threatened as Y/n stopped himself from getting into fighting mode. "I'll take my leave then," Y/n said as he slammed the door shut.

"What a strange guy. I'm sure I injured him, but he didn't even retaliate, not one bit." the Spirit remarked as Shido made a nervous chuckle. "He's pretty unpredictable often. Well, as long as I don't get hurt, he won't do anything rash. Y/n is...weird in a good way, but he means well when you get to know him. Anyway, uh... my name is Itsuka Shido. Yours?" Shido reintroduced himself as the Spirit kept silent.

"I don't have something like that. A name... I don't even have time to think about that since all the time, I'm always hunted, being called that I should be killed and dead all the time." the girl stated as Shido took pity on the Spirit. From the transceiver, Shido could hear a growl and he knew that this was Y/n and he was showing some slight anger. 

"Either way, I think we should get you a name. Er, let me think of something." Shido said as he tapped on the transceiver to ask for help. "Unless you want a foreign name like Claire or Marigold for the Spirit, I suggest not asking me for help." Y/n warned him as everyone from Kotori's group were handing out random names. Both of them were looking at the names given to them as Y/n, due to the sheer ridiculousness of the list, was starting to get ticked off.

"Motherfucker, none of these are helping. Who made these list of names?" he muttered in the transceiver as he was filtering the worthless names there. "I can understand your frustration with these. They can really be worthless at times." Kotori told him in an annoyed tone as Y/n blatantly said, "Whoever picked them, the head of the organization is pretty much as useless as them then." without any hesitation which threw Kotori off guard as Shido wanted to scold him for having a mouth whose filter is little to none.

 In desperation, Shido then uttered out a name as soon as he thought of something. "Tome! Your name is To-" but before he could say that again, Y/n had smacked his head with a newspaper. "Jackass! Some corny ass name like that isn't gonna work! Put some more thought into it!" Y/n scolded Shido as the former's voice was loud enough that it echoed throughout the room.

As the two started bickering, the Spirit thought it was quite funny to see the two go at it. "You two are such great friends. It's quite funny with how you interact." she said as Y/n scoffed. "Keh, it really is kind of like that. Though more often than not, he looks after me than I do with him. Still, we should give you a name since we don't want to just call you Spirit or something like that." he pointed out as Shido suddenly uttered:

"Tohka. That is the name I want to give you." 

 "Well at least that's better than the one you gave her." Y/n and Kotori both simultaneously said as a vein mark appeared on Shido's head. "You're getting an hour long scolding later, mister." Shido remarked as the Spirit repeated that name. She then asked, "That name... How do you write it?" which Shido responded with writing it on the blackboard. 

Fascinated and curious, she then imitated the way Shido wrote it by tracing her fingers on it. After a while, she had called that name marvelous. As her and Shido were having their 'moment' as Y/n would call it albeit with Shido being embarrassed, the former then heard something whirring which made him shout, "All of you, get down!" as he pushed the Shido and Tohka down to the ground. 

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