Chapter 4

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"I know you won't. Don't worry, I don't like fighting anyone without any rational reason." Y/n told the blue haired girl who was wearing a white frilled green rabbit themed raincoat, white dress and green boots. "Yoshinon thinks that you don't look like the part, but since you did not hurt Yoshino, Yoshinon will believe you." a voice said as Y/n looked everywhere. "Look down, dummy. There's no such thing as ghosts if you're asking." the voice said again as he then saw a puppet that was rabbit like and had a button on the right eye portion as if to act as an eyepatch as the left eye was a tiny red dot. In addition, it had the orange and yellow collar around its neck. At the sight of this, Y/n giggled with delight as he saw how cute it was.

"Heh, now that's cute. You have a talent for ventriloquism." Y/n complimented the girl as she then wanted to say something. "U-um.... Yoshinon is-" the girl wanted to say something as the two could hear something fly past by, looking around, Y/n saw a cardboard box and then threw his necklace towards the girl as she caught it. "Hide! You'll be harmed if they see you!" he told her as she then hid under the box. As Y/n took a deep breath, he then heard three- no, five people landing as he then turned around. 

"What are you doing in this heavy downpour, Cadet Karasawa?" an AST member asked him a question as Y/n immediately answered, "I'm taking a light jog when suddenly the rainfall occurred. I was about to go home when you all arrived here." which the AST member believed. "Before we let you go, have you seen anyone with a blue eyed girl with a green rabbit raincoat as well as a rabbit puppet?" Kusakabe asked as Y/n pretended to try and remember the scene. "No, I didn't. Why?" he answered the question, as he asked his own. "She is a Spirit, like Princess who you fought days ago. If you see her, tell me on the phone that you had found Hermit. She would be detected easily since your pendant glows whenever you're near a Spirit." Kusakabe explained as Y/n nodded. 

'I'm glad I hid the necklace then.' Y/n thought as he then sighed. "Captain Kusakabe, let's search this area. Just to make sure." an AST member said as she was about to open the cardboard box as Y/n instinctively grabbed her wrist. "Let go, Cadet Karasawa." she ordered as Y/n glared at her. "You heard Kusakabe. My necklace underneath my tracksuit didn't glow, so there's no need to look around." he spoke grimly.

"I don't trust you. Not one bit. You may have been given special treatment by Captain Kusakabe and Tobiichi, but I will not trust your word, False Spirit." the AST Member said as the tension between the two grew larger as if a brawl was about to stir. "Do you take me and Kusakabe for a fool and a liar? I never have thought you were THIS narrow-minded." Y/n spat insult to the AST member as she then got infuriated, bringing out her blade as Kusakabe stopped the two.

"Enough! I have ran some tests with the pendant under his consent and what we are saying is right. If his pendant isn't glowing, then there is no point of us dawdling here." Kusakabe told the AST member as she then turned to Y/n. "I'm sorry you had to be dragged into this. This is really just an important mission." she apologized as Y/n shrugged, saying, "No problem. Thanks for stopping us from starting a brawl." 

As most of the AST then left, one of them, the brown haired AST member, then looked at Y/n disdainfully. "I will remember this." she threatened him as Y/n flipped her off with the middle finger. As she then flew away, Y/n then waited for a couple of minutes before tapping the cardboard box. "You can go now." he told the Spirit as she then went out of the box and handed over the necklace which he wore again. "Ah, t-thank you very much Mr. Karasawa..." the Spirit thanked Y/n as he then felt uncomfortable being called formally. "Y/n or anything like that is fine. I hate being called formally." he told the Spirit as he then asked:

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