Chapter 12

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"Spirit? Are you sure you're not daydreaming?" Tonomachi asked, clueless and unaware of Kurumi's words while Shido silently requested the confirmation of Kurumi's claims. "Yep, she's a Spirit. What's weird is that she is literally exposing herself to the public." Kotori confirmed and wondered why a Spirit would do something as brazen as trying to tell the two that she was a Spirit. 

"She has done this too when she introduced herself to the third years. It's really weird that someone like her would do something like that." Reine added which messed with Shido's head. Meanwhile, Tonomachi was trying to entertain Kurumi with introducing her to the club. "And there are a lot of books, instruments, and board games." he described, pointing at the closet where the said items.

"I know it is not that much, but we are glad to have a student join our small and humble club." Tonomachi sincerely told Kurumi who giggled. "Oh I am interested in joining your club. It looks pretty nice, to be frank with you." she replied as Tonomachi was overjoyed, and was helping Kurumi in filling up a form. 

"I wonder what happened to the 'friends only' club you intended." Shido remarked with disappointment in his look. "I thought that it was a good idea to have Kurumi here. In fact, if we play our cards right, we could seal her. With Tonomachi being so easily swayed with girls and with Y/n being away, it was the right timing to make her join this club." Reine explained the reason in the intercom. She was right, if Y/n was there, he would've been downright suspicious of Kurumi and would've ironically acted as Tonomachi's moral compass.

"Speaking of, where did our beloved double agent go as well as Tohka and Origami?" Kotori asked about the whereabouts of the three. "Tohka is asleep, but Y/n... he's with Origami at the AST. According to him, a visitor from DEM was arriving at their base and is holding some sort of public spar for them." Shido answered as he wondered how Y/n was doing. "I think it would be a good experience. If I heard it correctly, DEM's Wizards are said to be more skilled than those in AST. So it should be a good experience for him." Kotori remarked as Shido retorted with:

"What if they know he is a Spirit?" 

"Well, Kusakabe has enough can order them to stop. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Have faith in your friend." 

As Kotori replied with this statement, Y/n was in at awe as he saw how skilled this 'visitor' was. The ace Wizard, Tobiichi Origami, was kneeling on one knee while her opponent didn't even break a sweat with fighting her. The whole AST was in pure disbelief. Their ace was Wizard was brought down without even trying.

"Mana Takamiya, also known as Adeptus 2. She is a well renowned Wizard from DEM and now, the rumors has been proven true." Kusakabe muttered and saw Y/n's interest in Mana's full capabilities. Despite being rusty due to not having fought or sparred with anyone, Y/n wanted to test himself out but Kusakabe stopped him. He was staring at Mana who had noticed the look Y/n was giving him.

"Who's this man?" Mana wondered as she was curious with how she could sense the hunger in Y/n's eyes. It was as if she was staring at a wild animal eyeing its next prey. Origami went to Mana answering that the man staring at the her wants a spar. "What? He wants to spar? He will just get hurt, and I don't think he's a Wizard!" Mana said, surprised at Origami's statement. Replying, Origami gave a confident smile and only answered with:

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