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Magic is different for everyone. Some can cast spells without using words or even need a wand. But there are a few who can do both. And no one can control magic as if it were an extension of there body.

Where they can make any spell they want to do whatever they want with just their imagination. Seeing galaxies from your room and travel from across the room. Causing ripples in time without using a clock and hope it doesn't break.

That is the kind of magic my family has achieved since the beginning. This magic can be passed down through members even if they are not of blood. But only one family member at a time could have it. In doing so, they placed their power into a bottle. When a family member dies, that bottle will break and go to the new descendants.

But as time changed, one absence broke that chain. Making a spell that was never seen, they kept that magic—and passed it to a new holder. One younger than intended.

And that was me. My Gran gave me that magic when I was 10. My mom would get it first but did not want to hold that burden. And being an idiot, I took it too young and caused some problems. Changing this that not even others know. My Grandad. He was the one who taught me to use magic since my gran can no longer. They even taught me spells that no one had ever heard of, and thought were impossible. He was the greatest wizard of his time. From what he could tell me.

So when my Gran passed along with my Granddad, who went missing years back, they left me behind a bar that I loved working at with them. Taking that bar, I lived my life. Make a separate organization that would help families and people who need help—giving them a better chance at life and even taking in kids whose parents could no longer take care of them or did not want them.

It is a good life. I made money in the bar and had charities helping the company. I even started selling a whisky I made for the bar. I was getting some cash flowing into the organization. I only took what I needed and nothing more.

But that all changed when a old man came to my bar with a letter. Sending my to my son. Changing mine and his life forever.

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